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Y/n was bright red as she walked through camp half-blood.

"Alright there, Y/n?" Luke shouted at her as she walked by.

"Fine!" Y/n replied as she walked back to her cabin as fast as she could.

Once she finally got to her cabin she shut the door behind her and sat on the ground against it, covering her face with her hands.

See, Y/n was newer to camp and up until a couple weeks ago, she was undefeated in one on one combat. That was until she was put up against Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares.

Before that, nobody could seem to find Y/n's weakness. Clarisse knew of this of course and was determined to beat the undefeated Y/n.


"Let's see... let's do Y/n and..." Mr D looked around at the group of half bloods standing in front of him and his eyes landed on a particular curly haired girl, "Clarisse," He said with a smirk.

The group of half-bloods cheered as the two stood up, each grabbing a practice dagger and stepping onto the middle of the field. "You're going down, L/n," Clarisse glared at Y/n.

"We'll see about that," Y/n smirked at the Ares girl confidently.

Y/n assumed her stance, dagger in hand ready for yet another win under her belt. "Begin on three!" Mr D commanded. The other half-bloods fell silent, anticipating an entertaining fight, "One... two... three!" Mr D shouted and the sparring commenced.

Clarisse immediately charged Y/n with a look on her face that scared Y/n half to death but she couldn't show that. Y/n quickly dived out of the way, rolling onto the grass just as Clarisse swiped at her with her dagger, missing by just an inch. Y/n stood up as quick as she could just as Clarisse reached her. Y/n blocked a jab Clarisse threw at her then began to swipe her own dagger at her. Clarisse dodged every single swipe of course before she pushed Y/n to the ground, landing on top of her. Clarisse was just inches away from Y/n.

Y/n paused in shock taking in every little feature on her face. Clarisse's light freckles, her pretty little nose, ...her full lips. She felt herself heating up before she realized she had taken her first loss. Clarisse studied the girl that was under her in confusion for a second before smirking and getting off of her. "So that's your weakness," She muttered mostly to her self as Mr D walked up to her and held up her fist.

"The winner!" Mr D shouted as the other campers cheered.


That was the first loss Y/n took. Ever since then, Clarisse had been volunteering to spar Y/n every single time. Of course, since she was Mr D's favorite he always obliged. And since Clarisse found out that the best way to beat Y/n was to get her flustered, she had won every. single. match.

The tactics she used to get Y/n flustered only got more humiliating and today was the most mortifying one yet.


"Y/n and Clarisse!" Mr D announced. Y/n groaned as she walked up to the field. She knew it was coming and was determined to not let Clarisse get to her this time. She grabbed her practice dagger and assumed a fighting stance on the middle of the field.

"Ready to be crushed again?" Clarisse said with a smirk also assuming a fighting stance. Y/n didn't even give her the satisfaction of a response and glared at the insufferable yet beautiful girl.

"You know the rules. On three!" Mr D yelled. Y/n glared at her. She would not under any circumstances let Clarisse La Rue get under her skin today. "One... two... three!"

The two girls ran at each other and Y/n managed to kick Clarisse in the shin causing her to stumble a bit. Y/n circled the girl and managed to get her in a chokehold. "Damn, L/n take me out to dinner first," Clarisse muttered coolly. Y/n turned red for a moment before huffing and throwing Clarisse to the ground. Clarisse scrambled to get up and began to swipe at her with her dagger. Y/n grabbed her wrist to stop her from slicing her and Clarisse struggled to get out of her grip. Just then she smirked and pulled her closer. Their faces were inches away. Y/n's eyes widened and before she knew it she was pushed to the ground on her back with a grunt. Clarisse quickly jumped on top of her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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