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This is during the first titan war when the Ares cabin refused to fight. I'm trying a new perspective this time so here we go


This is just amazing. I'm going to be fighting in a fucking war. If you told yourself that is what you would be thinking to yourself two years ago, you would've laughed.

Atleast your girlfriend Clarisse would be safe away from the fighting. Isn't that amazing? The cabin of WAR was refusing to fight in a WAR. You had mixed feelings about it.

Clarisse, on the other hand, had begged you to stay with her. She wanted to 'be able to protect you'.

Honestly? You were angry at that statement.  You said something along the lines of, "What's that supposed to mean?! I can fedn for myself! I'm not a baby!"

You two ended up fighting over this for a bit. You both had strong personalities so long story short, Clarisse felt bad about what she said but her ego was too big to apologize about it. And you were set on the fact that your feelings were hurt.

Now you two weren't speaking to eachother at all. It upset almost everybody at camp. They were very supportive of your relationship and now you two weren't talking at all.

Clarisse wanted to say something to you the day you left to fight but she just missed you fly away. She fell into a state of deppression after that. She felt so bad about what she said and she didn't even get the chance to apologize and now you might die.

You wish you would've said something too. It was a stupid thing to fight over and in all honesty, you'd love yo have Clarisse fighting by your side and protecting you. Now you might never come back and she was mad at you.

You were pretty sad as well but, heck, you were fighting a war so you couldn't let stuff like that affect you.

The first day was miserable. After trying to get the gods to help us fight for the city, which didn't work, we had to protect Manhattan ourselves. The half-blood army, if you can even call it that, was spread so thin.

All odds were against you but you knew you had to fight anyway. At first you were stationed afar. Shooting the monsters with your bow and arrow. But the monsters were advancing so you had to pull out your sword and fight close range. Of course Percy and Annabath chased Kronos off and the army set up a home base in a mortal hotel.

Honestly, it wasn't that bad of a place. But between your sliced thigh and stomach, a couple scratch wounds from a particular monster with claws, and the little medical supplies the group had, it was horrible.

The people in the worst condition got ambrosia. Unfortunately, I was not one of those people so I just bandaged my thigh and stomach and stole a new shirt from a store across the street.

Annabeth almost fucking died and the rest of the demigods were dying on the inside. You couldn't imagine going through days of this. That night, you went to sleep wishing Clarisse was there with you.

That night, you had a dream. You were at camp half-blood and saw Silenna (Idk how to spell her name). She seemed to be suiting up for something.  Was the camp in trouble? She wore silver armor and a helmet that covered her face. She didn't speak, she was just preparing. "Hopefully they'll think I'm her." She sighed. She sounded almost... scared. "I'll see you soon, Charlie." She said with a pained smile.

You woke up with a start. What was that girl planning?

A handful of half-bloods were awake and getting ready for another battle. You decided you should probably do the same.

Today, you accidentally ended up getting stationed with Annabeth and Percy. Long story short, you talked with them for too long and your cabin left without you.

Great. Now I'm gonna be right in the eye of the storm with these main characters, you thought. Turns out, you were right, Kronos sent a magical pig or whatever out that no hero had ever beaten before which is amazing. Some city robots ended up killing it.

Oh, but it didn't end there, later that night they sent a drakon! Another thing that no hero had ever beaten. And even better, an Ares kid was destined to kill it. THERE. WERE. NO. ARES. KIDS.

As you can tell everything was going just great. Everybody was on this thing but nobody could get close enough to attack it. Until you heard lots of battle cries from behind you. "FOR ARES!!" Somebody shouted. It was the Ares cabin! Somebody was leading them. She seemed like Clarisse but she was wearing... silver.. armor. It was Silenna! She was was leading the Ares kids and they all thought she was Clarisse!

Now your dream made sense. But the prophecy said an Ares kid was meant to kill it. Silenna was gonna get killed out there! The Ares kids were throwing all they could at this thing and it eventually struck Silenna down. You immediately ran to her.

"Silenna!" You shouted, crouching down next to her.

"How could you tell?" She said, weakly.

"I had a dream. Quick! We have to get you help!" I cried, reaching to pick her up.

"No!" She shouted, then began to cough. "No... it's my time to go. I hope Charlie has waited for me." She said with a weak smile.

Just then, Clarisse ran up to Silenna too, half in tears. I watched as she looked at me, then at Silenna, then at the drakon. You watched as she began to see red and immediately went for her sword. She ran up to the drakon and stabbed it. You watched as it turned to dust.

You stepped away from Silenna as other half-bloods accessed her. Silenna denied help from anybody. She was pretty set on seeing Charles.

Silenna died in Clarisse's arms. You knew she would try to stop herself from crying. You were just about to comfort her but she abrubtly turned around, wrapped her arms around you, and let it out.

You were very surprised. Usually she waits until she's in a private setting to let it out but here she was, in the middle of Manhattan, sobbing into your shoulder.

You slowly rubbed her back to comfort her. "I-I'm so sorry." She sniffled quietly, her face still in your shoulder.

Now you were crying too. "No, no! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you and I... I thought I would never see you again and it was just- torture!" I said, looking up into the sky.

She backed out of my shoulder and cupped my face with her hands. She wiped away my tears with her thumb as I leaned into her touch.

"I was stupid and now I realize that we could lose eachother at any time during this war so... I love you." She said, whispering the last part. Then, she leaned in and kissed me. It was deep and emotional yet still... loving.

We pulled away, our foreheads still touching. "I love you too." I whispered.

We were reunited at last. And nothing would seperate us again.


Heyyy sorry this took so long to write lol
can ya'll tell I only just started reading HOO?? I'm on the first book hehe anyway this wasn't proofread since I was tryna get it out asap so just comment if you see any mistakes before I catch them anyway goodnight!!

word count- 1287

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