𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮.

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Daryl looking down at me with his big strong arm against the door holding me against the door with his body him seeing how red i am. He smirks and lifts my chin up "I'm only playing go and get changed and come down and meet everyone i will introduce you if you want me to of course" while smirking i just nod my head as my brain is not working from what just happened as he leaves the room i have a feeling from when i was younger like a crush feeling i get all excited. I start to get dressed putting black jeans on and a black scrunched up top with this kind of denim jacket with a skull on the back. I decided to put my hair up to keep it out of my face. As i was finished i took a deep breath thinking the worst of what everyone would think of me but, i sucked all of that in and tried to stay positive.

As I'm walking down the stairs I see Daryl leaning against the wall with him arms crossed i couldn't help my self but look at his arms again his big veiny arms and his big manly hands i started to zone out while waking down the stairs but i carried on. I walk up to him and smile gently, him looking down at me he said playfully " i can actually see your face now, no more hiding now. I like it should keep it up more. Ready to meet everyone? Also love the outfit" With a little cheeky smile. I replied " thank you sweetie and i will keep that in mind and of course abit nervous but I'm ready" with a little smile.

As he walks to the kitchen i see 3 women and Glenn that bought me to the group daryl said this is "carol she's like my best friend i look out for her and she looks out for me have a unbreakable bond and she has a daughter called Sophia which is out side with carl ricks son and this is Beth she's sweet and this is maggie Hershel's daughters and obviously Glenn who we consider is our supplier he goes into town and gets us any supplies as he knows most places." I reply with " lovely to meet all of you if there's anything you guys need help with don't hesitate i will try my best to help you guys" with a soft smile.

Me and Daryl walk just outside the house near a red tractor where Rick was standing with a group of people Daryl says "This is Rick he is our leader basically man in charge he try's his best to do the best he can for our group this is t-dog and this is Shane Ricks best mate and this is dale he owns the RV" i reply with " hi guys nice to meet all of you don't hesitate to ask if you need anything" with a smile. We walk over to the barn Daryl says "this is Carl and this Sophia and this Andrea she's mostly with dale think they were together when the out break started" i replied and bent down slightly to the kids " so lovely to meet you two if you ever need anything you can always come to me also, who wants a lolly pop" as i pull them out of my pocket with a smile on my face, they both take one each. Daryl looks at me and lets out a little smile. We take a slow walk back over to house.

We enter the house again and went to the sitting area Daryl says " this is Lori ricks wife and this is also Hershel this is his farm and his son Otis " I reply with " how you guys doing and if you need anything please ask i will try and help as much as i can" with a smile trying to be friendly as possible, they all say thank you. Me and Daryl walk to the kitchen and sit at the kitchen table he says " that's basically everyone in our group at the moment, see it wasn't that scary you hungry ?" In a concerned voice i reply " no im okay don't worry about me please save your food for your people" he laughs and says in a annoyed voice while looking dead at me " you are our people now when was the last time you ate"
Glenn replied with " she hasn't ate for 4 days now"  he smirks and walks over to me and says to me quietly " how are you supposed to help others do tasks with no energy and no food, you have to eat now I'm gonna make you something and your gonna eat it all, is that understood" I'm thinking in my head please just ughh i don't know just made me flustered again i don't know how, he just did. I nodded and smiled gently, me waiting patiently for my food at the table.

Daryl finished making my food, in my head hoping that it was something i like. He made me some pasta with cheese and chicken and put it on the table with a glass of orange juice made fresh from Hershel's props. He said firmly " now eat all of it, enjoy it too"
I smile and say thank you. As I'm enjoying my food I feel bad because these people have just taking me in and what if they need this food for the children or the older people. I just felt bad for eating it but it was delicious a man that cook i thought to myself with a little smirk.

As i finish my food so does everybody else and as it was getting late everyone was setting of to bed. I noticed Glenn and t-dog standing by the door so I asked why you guys standing there Glenn replied with " we taking it in turns for look out even though we haven't had a encounter with the walkers here yet better to be safe than sorry" i replied with " that makes sense we'll hope nothing bad happens if you need anything let me know" with a smile. They both smile.

I walked up to Rick before going to his bedroom before he went to bed i asked him "where should i sleep" Daryl overhearing what i asked Rick "you can sleep in here if you would like there lots of space" with a little smile. Rick reply's "there you sweetie share with Daryl it would be good for him to be honest he don't really like talking to most people so feel special" while playfully nudging me with a smile. I slowly walk to Daryl's room and look at the door and thinking am i really about to spend the night with Daryl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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