Chapter Five

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"Why is Monarch here?" Ladybug questioned as she paced their hotel room.
"I'm equally confused," Alya mused. "But aren't you going to detransform?"
"Oh, right," she muttered. "Spots off."
Light swirled around her as Tikki exited her earring. "Is Monarch looking for something here?"
"I don't know, Tikki. All I know is that it's dangerous for us to go back to Paris and leave Westalis like this when Monarch is here," Marinette stressed.

"Why are Ladybug and Chat Noir here in Westalis?!" Gabriel exclaimed, slamming his fists on the table.
"I do not know, master," Nooroo dipped his head.
"They're going to get in my way!"
"Why did you even Akumatize someone," Duusu asked. "If you knew that Ladybug and Chat Noir wouldn't be there?"
"Well, I wanted to make a mess and confusion so I could distract them from my actual plan! But Ladybug fixed all the damage that I caused!" Gabriel whipped around and growled.
"Gabriel, you're going too far!" Nathalie burst into the room, the machine used to help her walk buzzing and clinking with every step. "You do not need to steal the recipe to make a bomb to take back to Paris! Just Akumatize someone!"
"No, then Ladybug will know it's me! If I can cause a war between Paris and the U.S., then Ladybug and Chat Noir would be forced to focus on that instead of me so it can buy me some time to steal their Miraculous!" Gabriel explained.
"You're insane, Gabriel," Nathalie narrowed her eyes. "Actually, no, you're not insane, you're sick! Causing a war between two countries just for leverage against two highschoolers so you can steal some jewelry!"
"The Miraculous are NOT just 'some jewelry'! They hold the power to make any wish come true!" Gabriel yelled.
"Stop fighting!" Nooroo flew in-between them and held up his hands.
"Do NOT get involved, Kwami!" He snapped his fingers and Nooroo was flung across the room, hitting a wall and sinking to the floor.
"Nooroo!" Duusu rushed over to him.
"You tell me not to disrespect the Miraculous and then you turn around and do this!" Nathalie snapped.
"Respect is earned, and Nooroo doesn't have mine!" Gabriel yelled back.
Nathalie sighed and stormed out of the room.

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