AU: LOF Part 5

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: ̗̀➛ This chapter contains no spoilers so enjoy :)

Carlo's attempt to open up to the nurse about his unsettling experiences met with a disappointing response, leaving him feeling frustrated and disheartened

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Carlo's attempt to open up to the nurse about his unsettling experiences met with a disappointing response, leaving him feeling frustrated and disheartened. As he stood before her, his words hung heavy in the air, the weight of his confession lingering between them like an unspoken truth that refused to be ignored.

"Hello," Carlo began tentatively, his voice soft with uncertainty as he approached the nurse. He searched her face for any sign of understanding or empathy, hoping to find solace in her presence.

"Oh, hello, Carlo! How are you today?" the nurse greeted him warmly, her tone kind and inviting as she looked up from her book.

"I see dead animals, miss," Carlo blurted out, his words tumbling forth in a rush of honesty. He watched the nurse's expression closely, hoping for some sign of recognition or validation.

"You mean in the television?" the nurse asked, her brow furrowing in confusion as she struggled to comprehend Carlo's cryptic statement.

"No... I mean for real... Just forget it," Carlo replied with a defeated sigh, his shoulders slumping with resignation. He had hoped that the nurse would offer him comfort or reassurance, but instead, his confession had only served to deepen the divide between them.

"Very well, Carlo. Go play with your friends now," the nurse dismissed him with a wave of her hand, her attention already drifting back to her book. Carlo felt a pang of disappointment at her indifferent response, his longing for understanding and support going unanswered.

With a heavy heart, Carlo turned away from the nurse, his thoughts swirling with confusion and frustration. As he rejoined his companions in the room, he couldn't shake the feeling of isolation that clung to him like a shroud, a silent reminder of the struggles he faced in navigating the mysterious and unfathomable depths of his own mind.

Carlo's attempt to strike up a conversation with the boy in the dog mask was met with a terse response, leaving him feeling uncertain and hesitant. As he stood before the masked boy, a cinnamon bun in hand, he tried to bridge the gap between them, hoping to establish a connection in this strange and unfamiliar place.

"Hello! Are you new here? I haven't seen you before," Carlo ventured, his voice laced with curiosity as he studied the boy's masked visage. He watched as the boy shifted uncomfortably, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps.

"No..." the masked boy replied tersely, his tone devoid of warmth or enthusiasm as he avoided Carlo's gaze.

"Are you from downstairs?" Carlo pressed on, eager to learn more about the boy's background and experiences within the institution.

"Uh-huh, they think I'm better now," the masked boy murmured, his words barely audible as he spoke in a hushed tone. Carlo sensed a palpable tension in the air, a silent barrier that seemed to separate them despite their proximity.

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