Runaway - Sam

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Y/n pov:

When Sam and Dean fought I tried my best to stay out of it, I mean it wasn't my place. They were family, I just happened to hunt with them. This fight was different though, there was more force behind their words. Sam wanted to go after John who had called him this morning from a payphone somewhere in California. Dean on the other hand wanted to just keep hunting.

"Dad doesn't want our help." Dean started, "I don't care." Sam retaliated. I immediately sunk into my seat, knowing that a fight was about to ensue. "He's given us an order." "We don't always have to do what he says." Sam responded firmly. God, sometimes I wonder how the two of them could be so different, they were almost complete opposites.

"I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, it's like you don't even question him!" Sam yelled and Dean pulled over, Sam angrily got out of the car. "Yeah, it's called being a good son! You're a selfish bastard, you know that? You just do whatever you want. Don't care what anybody thinks." His tone was heated. I got out of the car, I don't like to get in the way of their arguments but shit was getting personal now.

"Dean just shut up will you!?" I looked over at Sam who was grabbing his duffle bag from the trunk, "Sam come on we can talk about this!" He rolled his eyes at my pleading. "Oh of course you're gonna take his side!" Dean raised his voice at me, "Don't take this out on her," Sam cut Dean off before he could say anything else. "If that's what you really think then this selfish bastard is going to California!" Sam turned around with his bag thrown over his shoulder, "Sam please-" "You can't be serious?" I heard Dean say from behind me, he tried to still sound angry but it was clear he was hurt. "Oh I am serious." He glared at his brother.

"It's the middle of the night! Hey, I'm taking off, I will leave your ass, you hear me?" Though he wouldn't admit to it, I knew he silently wished for Sam to just turn around and get back in the car. "That's what I want you to do."

Both of them turned around walking in separate directions, "Guys we can work this out, Sam just get in the car." I picked up my pace catching up to him. Quickly I got in front of him and put my hands up to stop him from walking any farther. "Sam think about this. It's the middle of the night, how the hell are you going to get to California from here?" I tired to keep my voice steady, but this is the biggest fight I have ever witnessed between them. "I'll hitch hike." He said coldly, without even looking down at me.

"By the time you get there John might already be gone!" I adempted to reason with him, I could hear the engine start up behind us. "Y/n, move." He finally tilted his head downwards to glare at me. "What?" I couldn't help but look a little hurt at that. "Either come with me, or move." His voice was like acid. "Fine, go on then." I stepped aside, crossing my arms and staring at the ground. I tried not to cry, he has never talked to me that way before. I've never not felt wanted by Sam. "Y/n I didn't mean it like-" "Just go. It's what you want isn't it?" I said turning around and storming off, my eyes watering a bit.

I slammed the passenger door shut, and let out a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding. "So, he's not coming is he." Dean asked, I shook my head. Glancing up into the rearview mirror I saw Sam walking farther and farther away, I wish he wasn't so fucking stubborn. I wish Dean and him would just talk this out, but I guess that just isn't the Winchester way.

"It's fine, we'll go deal with this son of a bitch and by the time were done he'll be back. Sam always comes back." Dean reassured, though I'm not sure if he was trying to reassure me or himself. "Yeah, let's just go." I said plainly. With that he started the engine, I looked in the rearview mirror one last time as we drove off. Sam was already far gone.

3rd person pov:

As Sam regretted step after step, not because he was leaving to go find his father but because he didn't try to convince Y/n to come with him. He knew how hard it was for her to get close to people, to let herself care about others, and he just hurt her. Even if she did try to hide it he knew she was hurt, Sam was just hoping she could forgive him. Although Y/n really wasn't the forgiving type of person.

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