Chapter Thirteen

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—First Person POV

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—First Person POV.—

"I should probably tend to them.." My thoughts brush from my lips in a quiet mutter—wincing slightly as the dried out scales along my body make turning uncomfortable.

I catch movement out of the corner of my vision as he offers a silent nod of agreement before shifting up to head off.

With a pause, my eyes watch his back for a long moment—internally contemplating whether to ask for his help or not, but ultimately deciding to handle it on my own since he didn't seem like the type to want to help out.

But that's quickly thrown out the window when I try to start my little dragging journey back to the lake—
Only to be stopped as Aizawa calls out "Where are you going?" His tone was bristly with a sigh.

"To deal with my quills?" My answer earns a deadpan from the man.

"With your bone structure, you can't even turn to fully see your back." He points out "—How do you think you'll fix your quills if you can't even reach them?"

"I'll figure it out." I let out a huff, rolling my eyes before pausing and flicking my attention back on him—letting a confused look fall across my expression.

"Wait, how do you even know that?"

"Back where im from, it's my job to know these things," A deep sigh drips from his lips in tune with the statement.

"Where you come from?" I catch my voice echoing, earning a nod as he steps closer and crouches down at my side once more "Barbaric realm." Aizawa answers curtly.

This time I'm distracted when sturdy arms slid beneath me—one supporting my back and the other slipping under the lower half of my body.

As I felt my fins lift off the ground, a part of me was hit with the want to dramatically flail around.

My tail, naturally heavy and awkward on land, now dangled uselessly in the air—only the tips of my fins brushing the grass below with his strides.

Either he didn't notice I was staring into his soul or just didn't care, those dark eyes just kept ahead until I casted my gaze off to the surroundings—the world was completely different from this perspective, elevated and close to the thrumming in someone else's chest.

My hands lightly held on to his shoulders—webbed grasp tentative and awkwardly unsure of the right etiquette for this kind of movement.

His steps stayed steady, each one bringing us closer to the bustle of that waterfall and I dropped my attention to the world below—where the ground moved beneath in a viridescent blur.

The summers air brushes over my features, causing my scales to dry a bit more until the light splash of water grazes over the end of my tail.

I make no noise to resist when it grows up to my waistline and I'm fully settled down into the shallow area.

My Atlantis. (EraserMic x Reader.)Where stories live. Discover now