TWO. The Harsh Argument

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Drake: "okay, you wanna know something about Josh?," he asks the audience, pacing the floor.

Josh: "yeah, I'll tell you a little secret about Drake!" he exclaimed, angrily.

Kasey: "this is going to get tense real quick." I said, then started to paint my left tone nail pink.

Drake: "he can be the most irratating person on the planet."

Kasey: "excuse you, but Josh isn't, Drake is." I painted another toe, smiling softly to myself.

Josh: "sometimes he just aggravates me to a point where I just wanna go [imatates loud noise] as he stares at the camera, pacing around.

Drake: "I'm not doing too good in English right?"

Kasey: "he really isn't." I said, annoyingly.

Josh: "you know Drake hates my girlfriend Mindy right?" he asks the audience.

Kasey: "Drake really doesn't like her at all." I said.

Drake: "so last week, he goes up to our teacher,"

Josh: "so on Saturday, Mindy's walking up our driveway,"

Drake: "and Josh tells her that I should have a tutor."

Kasey: "he does need a tutor."

Josh: "and Drake sprays her with the hose,"

Kasey: "he sprayed Josh's girlfriend, with a damn hose," I said, in pure sarcasm.

Drake: "a tutor?" Drake exclaimed.

Josh: "a hose!" he yelled out very irritated.

Drake: "I-I can't take a shower without finding a hair on the soap."

Kasey: "that's disgusting." I said, grossed out.

Josh: "he pees, near, the toilet." he stated in.

Kasey: "Drake needs serious therapy."

Drake, Josh, in unison: "sometimes, he just drives me insane!" they said angrily, then took in a deep breath to try and calm themselves down.

Kasey: "I absolutely adore doing these intros for you guys." I said with a laugh, the audience claps and cheers.
I'm in my bedroom watching television when I hear Drake and Josh arguing upstairs, groaned loudly to myself, I then exited my bedroom.

Heading upstairs, Megan speed walks past me, I follow her close behind. "Hey, Hey, Hey!" both of them turned to see us standing here together.

"it is 11:45pm," Megan says. "I am a little girl," I heard her tell the boys. "little girls are supposed to be asleep, at 11:45pm." she tells them both.

Megan steps down. "now, this is the third night in a row you clowns have kept me up with your fighting." she added in, but then they kept going back and forth between each other again. "Hey!" Megan yelled once more, Drake and Josh looked at her again. "here," she handed them a paper.

"what are these?" Josh asks. "tickets to the Dr. Phyllis show," Megan explained. "you guys both go on tomorrow after school." she said to them.

Megan looked between them. "the topic is bickering brothers... now, I'm going to go back to sleep, and I don't want to hear another sound out of this room." she demanded, then walked away.

Drake sighed, "I don't want to go on the Dr. Phyllis show," he says, Josh asks, "why?, cause you're afraid she'll diagnose you as a big jerk?!"
he yelled at Drake, they both started arguing once again, bickering and fighting back and forth.

Megan walked back in, she undid a latch, set it down on the table, then walked away with a smile on her face. as the boys continued to fight, a puff of smoke filled the room, the argument tensed as they both fell to the ground, falling fast asleep.

I smiled softly then walked away back down to my bedroom, turned my tv off for the night, I'd really hoped that Drake and Josh would settle their differences tomorrow. I won't be there with them because I have a ton of homework to do.

Snuggled down into my warm blanket, I rested my head into the pillow, then sleep took over.

The very next day, I was in art class painting a picture of me and Megan. she and I get along very nicely together. along with me and Josh.

After school ended, I walked home. Megan wasn't home so I helped myself to some apple pie in the fridge, and some apple juice on the top shelf.

Took a seat at the kitchen island, I sat quietly by myself, in the house, alone. it's never this quiet.

Later in the afternoon, and doing my homework at the table, Drake and Josh walked in. "Hey, how did it go?" I ask them. "she hates us." Drake stated out. I nodded. Josh smiled. "yes Drake, she does hate you." I laughed at Josh's response.

"okay, what happened?" I ask. "she got upset at me because I called her daughter stupid." Drake replied in an angry tone. Josh walked away over to the sofa. "she tackled him to the ground." he tells me and I laughed once more at Drake.

Josh sat down beside Drake. "can you believe that we've been fighting for weeks?" Drake asks Josh who nods back. "yeah, I just want it all to go away." Josh says. "then maybe we need to have a fresh start again, to just be stepbrothers." Drake implied to Josh. "great idea." Josh tells Drake.

"I need a drink." Josh said, he stood up and walked away into the kitchen, Drake turned on the television to a basketball game when Josh came back in. he was nice enough to get one for Drake as well. when Drake took a sip, he twisted his face into a disgusted expression. "ugh gross, switch with me?" he asks Josh who pulled his own drink away from Drake, he shook his head.

"no, and besides, you already took a sip out of the can, I don't want your cooties." Josh tells him.

Drake was taken aback. "first off, nobody is this entire planet says that," Josh rolled his eyes at Drake's childish behavior, which went unnoticed.

"just give me your drink!" Drake yelled as Josh held his drink in one hand and held Drake with the other hand. "it's mine!" Josh yelled back.

I yelled, "Megan!" and she calmly walked into the living room, where she unhinged another clicker, Megan set it down then walked away once more.

While the boys are too busy arguing over a can of soda, my attention is focused on my homework at the table, soon enough, the smoke bomb is now exploding, the argument, once again, is tensed, as they both fell asleep on the sofa, I zipped up my backpack, put it on my shoulders, then walked out of the living room, heading to my bedroom.

Drake & Josh [to be continued]Where stories live. Discover now