Codes and Confusion

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In his unconscious mind, there was darkness.

Not an emotional darkness.

Rather it was emotionless.

It was eerie and silent, the only thing he could hear was his ears ringing and his gentle breath.

Bodie had never had a dream like this before.


A voice? That's odd. The sound was clear and unbroken, like a bell chiming.


There it was again.

You'll save us all.

What? Bodie thought.

You'll save us all.



Bodie jolted himself awake, the brisk morning air hitting his hot skin. He could feel his fringe sticking to his damp forehead. And everything was quite blurry.

My glasses. That would help.

Bodie sat up, rubbed his eyes and reached out his hand, trying to feel his glasses on the bedside table.

But... he couldn't feel them.

Actually, he couldn't feel the table either.

Yawning, Bodie reached down further, and finally felt the smooth rims of his glasses against his fingers.

There they are. Since when was the table that low down though?

Bodie fixed his glasses on his face, and all the blobs and blur of his room came into focus. He turned his body to get out of bed and his feet dangled off the edge.

Hold on. I didn't... shrink during the night, did I?

Then he saw why.

His mattress was floating.

Bodie could feel his heart start to drum in his chest and it echoed through his head. His arms were trembling too, and he gripped the edge of the mattress to try and stop it.

Alright, alright, calm down, there's got to be a reason for this.

Shakily and slowly, he breathed in and out, attempting to stay composed. He slowly began to feel better, and the intense hammering subsided.

Cautiously, he slipped off the floating mattress. Bodie decided the best form of action was to just ignore it-


The mattress was back in it's frame.

Strange. I guess I'm still half asleep.


This morning was not going well for Bodie.

Other the mattress incident, Bodie had also:

-Bent a spoon while trying to eat his breakfast.

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