Movie Time!

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Darkness. The rain pattered against the windows and.. wait a second this isn't Batman, nevermind.

Anyway! It was dark because, well, Jay cut the power out.. again.

'JAY!' Nya was practically screaming his name. This was particularly bad timing, considering that Nya and Zane were currently fixing the Samurai X suit downstairs, and had been at it for almost two hours straight. Cole quickly did a silent prayer for Jay, and went off to the kitchen. Why? I feel like you should know.

Cole opened the fridge and well.
'HOLY SHIT!' Cole jumped back from the fridge. 'I'm sorry, brother. Is there anything about my appearance that caused your use of profanity?' Cole sighed. ' Zane, I think finding a nindroid sitting calmly in a fridge would scare anyone! I thought you were helping Nya?' Zane smiled sheepishly, well as sheepish a nindroid was able to be. 'Jay came downstairs and Nya looked like she was about to have a private discussion with him, I did not want to intrude.' Cole did a mental eyeroll and asked Zane to scoot over.

Nya was with Jay, Zane was here and Lloyd was out with Master Wu. That left.. KAI!

Honestly, Kai never really thought it would come to this. He did feel kinda bad stealing Cole's cake, but it was payback for him throwing his hair gel OUT THE WINDOW. 'You shouldn't feel scared'  Kai thought to himself, 'What would Cole possibly do?'

' What's that noise?' Jay asked, desperately trying to change the subject. 'Jay, I swear to FSM..' There practically could have been steam coming out of Nya's ears. CRASH!
'No, seriously what is that?' They exchanged confused looks with each other,  Nya's rage suddenly disappearing out of the blue.

They silently creeped up the stairs, unsure whether it was an intruder or some sort of ninja shenanigans. The noise was coming from Kai's room. Nya suddenly paled.

The door was broken down, and quite the sight they were greeted with.
Kai, on the floor pinned to the ground, and Cole on top of him,
looking like he was about to murder the entire of Ninjago.

'What the..' Jay looked like he was about to double over from laughing and Nya had a 'What the fuck are these idiots doing' expression on her face.
'What the fuck are you idiots doing?' She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Cole suddenly went bright red, not unlike Kai's gi, while Kai just looked defiantly at her, being the most shameless being on planet earth.

' I ate his cake.' Kai stated simply, completely ignoring the position he was in right now.

'Yeah, MY CAKE!'

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