Origin Story Of Chiu Shin Part 10: Help The Peoples Final

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The screaming outside still continue, and Chiu Shin heard it.

"What was that?"

"Yeah someone is screaming outside the tournament?"

"So many peoples outside? They can help them?"

"I should help them!"

"What? No sweetie just stay here and watch your brother?"

"I have to help someone. This is practice about dad teach me!"

"I will watch just watch her honey."

"Okay I will! Let's go sweetie!"

Cassie and her mother gets up, and leave the tournament, and they outside.

Cassie and her mom saw the kidnappers stealing peoples stuff.

"Okay I can do this mom just watch me if something goes wrong?"

"Okay I will just be care okay?"

"I will!"

Chiu Shin's mother backs away from her fight, Chiu Shin grab her rope darts.

"Hey!! That's enough!"

The kidnappers and the boss saw her, and they let the peoples go.

"Who are you? And what do you want!"

"Leave my people alone!"

The kidnappers and the boss laugh at her.

Chiu Shin spin her rope darts and she attack the kidnappers, and they all hurts.

The boss is shocked and he grab his weapon and charge at her.

Chiu Shin throw her rope darts to him and it's spinning around him, and bring it to her, and she punch his stomach hard, and he flies in the air.

Chiu Shin rope dart came back to her armor, and all the peoples are cheering up to her, and her mother came to her and hug her.

"I'm very proud of you sweetie!"

"Hehe thanks mom!"

"Come on let's go watch your brother!"

The samurai security guard arrest all the kidnappers, and Chiu Shin and her mom went back to the tournament and watched Kaisenshitsu semi-final fight.

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