Request Form

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So, if you're interested in getting some feedback from me, let me know in the comments. I've provided a form to use, but I'm not picky about it, and I won't penalize anybody for not using it. Oh, and I'm not a huge fan of the whole payment thing, so no payment is necessary. :)

Fyi, "English usage" refers to what set of language rules you follow. Different countries have different spellings of certain words, differing grammar rules, differences in punctuation rules with dialogue, etc. This is just a nice-to-know thing for me. I think the two major forms are US versus British English, but I'm sure there are variances in every country where English is a primary language. If you're not sure what form you use, just put whatever your country is. This is also a nice place to let me know if English isn't your native language, again, just so I know what to expect when I read your story.

Subgenre (if applicable):
Fandom (if fanfiction):

Mature (Y/N):
Status (ongoing, completed):
English usage (US or otherwise):
Feedback in comments (Y/N):
Formal review (Y/N):
Direct editing (Y/N):

Chapters for feedback/review/editing (if not the entire book):
Additional notes:

Username:Title:Genre:Subgenre (if applicable):Fandom (if fanfiction):Mature (Y/N):Status (ongoing, completed):English usage (US or otherwise):Feedback in comments (Y/N):Formal review (Y/N):Direct editing (Y/N):Chapters for feedback/review/editing ...

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