Chapter 2

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Last chapter:-
Anya -r u saying the truth. Ur not infected right?
Nova -ofcourse not 

This chapter:-
Anya-umm , the people who were present there are they all fine
Nova(with sad facial expressions) - Everyone turned into zombies
Anya-what!! Ok first let's go and tell my friends about the condition then we will see what to do next.
(Both of them went towards Anya's friends)
Riya- Anya where were you do u know how worried we all were
Anya -stop shouting and listen to me
(Anya explained everything to 3 of them)
Luca-OMG! What should we do now
Nova- I'll leave you guys at the emergency exit u guys go inside the airport and wait for the condition to cool down
Anya-you are not coming with us
Nova-No, my friends must be waiting for me
Anya-then let's get your friends and we will leave togather
Nova- I'm not gonna leave this place
Anya- but why not
Nova-This is my hometown and I can't see it being destroyed untill I'm alive
Anya-then I'll also help you
Nova-are u mad , u may die while doing this
Anya- please i also want to help you
Riya -Yeah we want to help you
Nova -Damn! Ok I'll ask my friends about it
(They all started walking towards Nova's friends)
Lia- Where the fuck were you Nov-
Nova-I met these girls while I was looking for food and water
Anya- u should have told me u were searching for food . Wait!
(Anya took some snacks from her bag and gave them to Nova)
Nova-no than-
Anya- oo I get it u don't trust me wait I'll show u it's not poision .
Nova-no it's not like that i just don't want to take it from you without paying
Anya- u have already saved my life so just take it
(Nova hesitated but took it )
Riya -yeah so we want to help you guys
Jaya-but it's dangerous
Anya-we are ready to risk our lives
Luca -plz let us help you guys
Nila-And also 7 is far  better than 3
Luca-no buts pls let us help you
(They agreed but 3 of them  were really sad)
Anya-So what do we have to do now
Nova-do you guys really want to come
Anya-Yes we do. Do you have any problem.
Nova didn't reply
Lia- the zombies can't see us right now but they can hear us but in night they can see us and smell us and hear us .
Jaya- we have to go towards the back of the airport there is a graveyard and after that we will reach to a old garage in which we will find some items to control this disaster.
Anya- control, can't we end this .
Nova- right now we have no idea about how to end this disaster and before we get a way to end it this disaster may end the world
So first we have to control it .
Anya- ok let's go now
(Everyone started going but suddenly Nova said)
Nova- Do you really want to come
Anya-yes i have already told you many times. Now let's go
(Nova was not happy for risking their  lives bus right now she can't even argue)
(Author's pov - they some how reached the old garage without any problem and the time was already  5:30pm and they still had 30 minutes in the sun set)
Lia- atlast we have reached to the garage
Nila-Damn, my legs are already sore
Riya- I think we should stay here for this night as it's already getting dark
Jaya- yeah I think it's a good idea
Nova-umm ok but tomorrow I will leave you guys at the airport , ok
Anya- ha! again you want us to leave, can't you  understand that we want to help you guys
Nova- Do you even know how risky it is , and as you guys can die
Anya- Damn , can't u understand that we r ready to risk our lives
(Nova shouted)
Nova- I can't understand from where people like you come from!!

Thank you for reading this stupid story and yeah soo
Take care
Thank you

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