V5 | 3.0: EXES AND OOHS 3

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Oh my GOD I cooked

Jesus lord I'm going to reread this the moment I publish it too

My GOD. I thought exes and oohs 2 was good, but NOOOOO...

Yall I posted twice in one week, this is an EXTREMELY rare event.

♛ ═════✶═════ ♛

??? POV

As silently as a whisper, I ascended the ornate staircase, each creak of the ancient wooden steps being muffled beneath the soft padding of my feet.

The midnight darkness blanketed everything and the only sound was the distant echo of my own footfalls bouncing off the cold stone walls.

Peering upwards, the hall stretched out before me, an ominous line of closed doors looming in the semi-darkness. My target was one of these rooms, but which one?

My eyes darted from right to left, trying to make out the faint etchings on the nameplates adorning each door.

To my right, I spotted the name 'Moxxie'. A surge of relief washed over me as I turned my gaze to the left and spotted the room marked 'Vince'. A shiver of anticipation ran down my spine as I approached the door.

With a trembling hand, I reached out, fingers closing around the cold metal knob. I twisted it slowly, painstakingly, careful not to make a sound.

The door creaked open, the sound seeming to echo loudly in the thick silence of the night.

The room was shrouded in darkness, the only sound being the soft rhythm of someone's breathing. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and I made out the shape of a large figure sprawled out on the bed.

Stepping into the room, I instinctively moved towards the source of the sound. The figure on the bed was none other than Vince, his large frame barely visible in the darkness.

Taking a deep breath, I crouched down next to him. The task ahead was as simple as it was dangerous. Crimson had given me a single objective - neutralize Vince.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the syringe given to me by Crimson. The liquid inside was meant to paralyze Vince, rendering him unconscious and easy to transport.

I held the syringe over his neck, my heart pounding in my chest. With a swift, decisive movement, I plunged the needle into his skin and depressed the plunger, sending the liquid coursing into his body.

A moment passed... then another... Nothing. No reaction. I exhaled, the tension slowly leaving my body.

I rose from my crouched position and glanced over at the other figure on the bed - Moxxie, Crimson's son. He was sleeping peacefully, oblivious to the scene that had just unfolded next to him.

I couldn't help but scoff.

Did he really think he could escape this life? This life that was, for all intents and purposes, no different from a life in the mafia?

With the task accomplished, I tossed the empty syringe aside and turned back to Vince. The real challenge was just beginning. I had to move him, and he was not a small man.

Wrapping my arms around his armpits, I began to pull, his body feeling as though it weighed a ton. I managed to drag him halfway off the bed before I was out of breath.

Who would have thought that an imp like me would have to move a man who felt like he weighed more than a boulder.

As I continued the slow and arduous task of dragging Vince's body, a tall figure appeared at the top of the stairs. A loud yawn echoed through the quiet room, followed by the sound of scratching.

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