Love Has No Limits

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This story is based on true events, and some elements have been fictionalized in order to protect the identity of the characters.

You think that this story is a happy one, right? Not really.

One day, on Bumble, I came across a boy that swiped right on me. So I did that too, I swiped right, his name was Andres, 24 years old. He was an artist and was studying music. Curiously enough we were staying in the same residence so I tried to do some detective work into finding out more about him. He texted me first (the following discussion was translated from Spanish because he didn't know English):


"Hola!" I replied.

"What is a relationship for you?" he straight-forward asked me.

"For me, a relationship means trust, intimacy, a person that you can love without having barriers or judgement from others."

Then he invited me over to his room, so I went. Why? Because it felt like a good thing to do. His room was very cozy, he had pictures of his friends and family on the walls, he was also cooking something. The smell was fantastic. It smelled like home for a second. He also put on some music, from an other artist, which I quite enjoyed so I asked him: 

"What's this artist?"

"Well, this artist is a friend of mine, he publishes these on Spotify."

I saw some books on his shelves, so I went and grabbed one, but they were all in Spanish so I didn't understand a thing.

He was still cooking so I asked him what he was cooking. He told me it is a surprise, so I waited. After a few minutes, he gave me a plate of some rice with vegetables and a fishy-meat. I tasted it, loved it, then immediately asked him what was it? He told me, while laughing, that it is shark, therefore I was eating shark meat. I couldn't believe it at first, because I mainly don't eat fish or anything related to fish, but this was delicious.

Later, we watched a series on Netflix, just a few episodes of Friends which we laughed about because it was and still is an iconic series. After a few minutes he put his head on my shoulder, that is when I felt it. The connection was there, the cultural differences, the separate life styles we had, everything was different about us, yet that is what got us close. He tried to explain to me all of these traditions, traditional food they had and I remained fascinated about how interesting he was while trying to explain me these things. So, I showed him what I loved about my home country, the traditional meals, our regions, etc. We watched Friends until late night, when we both fell asleep in his bed. It was so quiet, you could feel the whole universe watching, yet not saying one thing. I took his laptop and placed it on his desk, trying not to make a sound, wrote him a note and left.

The next morning he texted me again:


"Good morning!" I texted him back.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"I was very exhausted from last night so I went straight to bed, it can be said that I slept very good. Haha."

"Would you like to come to my room again today, in the evening?" he asked.

"Sure." I replied.

The hours passed so fast, during my courses I couldn't think about anything else besides him. He, on the other hand, had courses only in the weekends. It was already afternoon, so I took a shower, and went to his room. This time he showed me the history of his country, Venezuela, he showed me a lot of stuff from politics, to religion, to traditions. So obviously, in exchange, I showed the same to him about mine. After this was done, we only listened to music together to see the main differences between them. It was truly a cultural exchange. While I was showing him some music that I still listen to he put his head on one of my shoulders. Naturally, I knew he was kind of sleepy so I put my hand on his face to show some affection and that it was alright, he was safe with me. After showing him my music, he asked me a question that I will never forget:

"If you could have the world, would you?", he asked me as he came closer to me.

"Yes, I would.", I replied.

And so, he kissed me. Out of the blue, but he did. It felt like I was finally doing something that I liked, so I kissed him back. We've spent some good minutes making out. I didn't know he was into me, but even more, I didn't know I loved him as much as he did. So we spent a lot of time looking at each other and we cuddled until the sun rose. We fell asleep together. Next day, I woke up first, at 9 am and I was already late for class. Very fast I got ready, kissed him on the forehead and went outside, then went to my room to get my stuff and I finally reached class just 5 minutes late.

During classes he texted me:

"Hey. How are you?"

"I'm okay, in class right now, you?", I replied.

"Sleepy, but can I ask you something?", he said.

"Obviously. Tell me.", I replied.

"Can we keep this a secret? I can't really tell my friends about us right now?", he asked me.

"Yes, we can, even so, you're going to be the best secret I've ever had.", I told him.

The day passed by very fast, it was already 5 pm. I went to his room so that I grab all the stuff I left in his room from last night (my laptop, my bracelets which i forgot about). I knocked on his door, he opened the door,  said "Hello!" to me and I told him that I forgot some stuff in his room and he let me come inside to get my stuff. While I was getting my stuff he grabbed me by the waist and put me on his desk, and began undressing me and kissing my entire body. In a few seconds we were both naked (and for a good reason I will stop here with describing everything). Fast-forward, we had sex, we both felt loved and we talked all night, while lying in his bed. We said to each other "I love you" more times than I can count. We talked, we laughed, we cuddled together. Then I realized what I had done and I started crying.

"I have slept with a man.", I said while tears were running down my face.

"You haven't done anything wrong, you have done what you felt, no one can take that from you, and if you love me-"

"I love you with all my heart, it is just that I will go away and never come back and I do not want to lose you.", I replied.

"You won't ever lose me, but some things have to end, they can't be here permanently, but you can do whatever you won't in these moments, not because it will define you, but because you will care these memories with you forever.", he said.

"You're're right." I said, while putting my head on his chest.

I have spent the night in his room. 

The next day, we decided to go to Calle 365, a famous club in Spain. Which we did go to, and it was magical, we danced all night there, together. 

We felt happy, safe and loved with each other

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We felt happy, safe and loved with each other. That is what love means, giving your world to another person and see what happens. We fell in love in less than 72 hours from meeting. From that day on, we did everything we could together, he even helped me with some projects of mine. We listened to music in his room, we danced together, studied together and much more. The days went by very fast, and the time for me to leave was getting near.

Spain: As Long As You're HereWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu