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I didn't expect Lan Zhan to actually keep his word but I guess I should have. He was at my door twenty to thirty minutes after morning bell. I was barely up yet. I had to drag myself out of bed to answer the door but I was so tired that I don't even know if I said anything coherent.

"You are tired still?" Lan Zhan asked.

"I would say so, I was up most of the night and I hate waking up this early. I've always hated mornings," I said, pouting. I whined when I noticed this man smiling! This man dares to smile when I am not wanting to be awake yet! Not fair, "Lan Zhan, don't look at me like that!"

"Like what?" He asked.

I humphed and folding my arms to my chest while leaning against the headboard of the bed, "don't smile at me like that," I said childishly. I then heard something deep yet soothing, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and it was a sound I would love hear again...Lan Zhan laughed, "You?"

"Wei Ying is being very cute," Lan Zhan said and stood beside me at the bed, "would you like some help getting ready? Is that it?"

My mouth dropped open, "I'm not a baby."

"Are you?" He asked.

"Lan Zhan," I whine.

"I can prepare a bath for you," he said, "go fetch fresh robes while I do so," before I could even respond he left the room.

I whined and kicked my legs, "whatever," I said, "I hate mornings."

Lan Zhan returned shortly, "your bath is ready. Now go," he said.

I groaned and got out of bed and went to the bathroom without saying a word. After my bath I dressed and took care of my bath water before meeting up with Lan Zhan, "happy now?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, "after breakfast we will talk to my brother about last night."

"So I avoided a punishment from you only to now get a punishment from him?" I asked.

"I will make sure that you don't," he said, "thought I helped a little bit, you took care of a lot of water ghouls for the safe of Gusu. You didn't have to and yet you did."

"I'll believe you when it happens," I said.

"Come," he demanded.

"And if I do not?" I asked.

"I will sling you over my shoulder and carry you to the dining all," Lan Zhan said.

I stared at him momentarily in disbelief. He took one step closer to me and I automatically grabbed my sword and flute before speaking, "okay, okay, let's go," I said and let out a groan as I left my house.

Lan Zhan followed behind me, "good boy," he said and walked ahead of me.

"If you keep this up, I will leave," I told him.

He stopped walking and looked at me, "what?"

"If you don't start treating me better than I will leave here. I do not like being pushed around now that I am free of Madam Yu. I don't need to be in another place where I am bullied and told to be obedient when I am far from wanted to follow any rules. Be thankful I am lasting this long," I warned him.

He nodded, "I apologize," he said, "I do not mean to sound rude or demanding. I just wanted to be a bit more open and playful towards you."

"What?" I asked, "playful?"

"I've long since heard you have a playful personality and I wanted to relate to you a little, if I am being too much I apologize," he replied.

I sighed and moved to stand closer to him, "Lan Zhan, I am sorry. I am just not used to all this. I never know what to believe or trust anymore. I have long since hated mornings so i apologize for my behavior. I don't mind you being playful towards me, I just wasn't expecting it."

I couldn't even look at him anymore. I was so messed up I didn't know how I wanted to be treated or how I should react or respond anymore. My trust in others is so messed up that it will be my own fault for pushing others away when I didn't need to. Lan Zhan lifted my head by my chin and held my face in his hands. He held me to gently and it was as if I was the most precious treasure he ever held.

"Wei Ying, I know you have been through a lot. I am also trying to adapt to being more open with someone. We will learn and adapt together," he said.

I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes, "I'm just so tired," I said, "I don't normally sleep well. I guess that's why I hate mornings....I'm sorry."

"You and I are soulmates and I want you to know that you can always come to me. I may have needed some time to think about what you told me yesterday but I should have gone to you after my brother left me alone," he said to me, "and don't apologize to me. If you are tired, why don't you go back to bed and I will bring breakfast to you," Lan Zhan said.

"You'd do that?" I asked.

"I'd do anything for you," he said and gently kissed me in the lips and pulled away, "go, and I will go get you breakfast. We can talk to my brother about the ghouls later. I want you to rest."

I shook my head, "I shouldn't," I said.

"No one will hurt you here. The Jiang's have been removed from Cloud Recesses so they can't hurt you here," he said, "I promise, I will do what I can to protect you. No one can punish you without my permission. I will not punish you as you've had enough false punishments to last several lifetimes."

"I owe you," I said.

"It's me who owes you," he said, "you took care of a lot of ghouls yesterday on your own and you have yet to be sworn in as a member here. I'm proud of you. You need time for yourself."

I nodded, "can you..."

"Can I what?" He asked.

"Since you are allowing me to go back, can you kiss me again before I go?" I asked.

His smile was still so soft and beautiful. He leaned in and kissed me as I asked. I felt more drawn to him than I did yesterday. I wondered just how fast does this bond between us grow. The more he is kind to me and really listens to me, the more I comfortable I feel around him. I hope he will always be this way with me. I don't want to be disappointed and believe in someone out of false hope and trust.

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