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~*3rd POV/Author's POV*~

Wei Wuxian now had more injuries on his body than he had before. Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Wanyin were currently sitting in a dungeon cell and their spiritual energy was sealed in the process. Sect Leader Jiang has been informed of the current situation and will arrive to the Lan Sect in a few days. For now, Wei Wuxian was actually happy that he didn't have to worry too much about the Jiang's anymore, but he still had something on his mind.

Since Wei Wuxian was currently at his residence, spending his time healing, it was the best time for him to think of a courting gift for Wangji. He had some ideas but he needed material. He managed to get some information from Wangji without giving away his intentions of what he was doing with it. That was when he was told that Lan Xichen would know more about it than Wangji.

Of course, Lan Xichen would also be a good person to turn to for advice when it comes to Wangji as Xichen knew him best. Since Lan Xichen was making rounds, Wangji said that Wuxian wanted to know something but wasn't specific about what. He just told Wuxian that Xichen would be of help. Xichen was, of course, happy to help Wuxian if he needed it. So he went to go see what Wuxian needed.

When he arrived at Wuxian's residence, he could feel Wuxian's stress. He has only known the boy for a few weeks maybe and he is already wanting to help Wuxian feel more comfortable. He wants to let Wuxian know that he can be his brother too not just Wangji's. Wuxian sighed and had Xichen sit down at the table to talk over some tea.

"You should be resting to let your body heal, but I can tell you are stressed about something," Xichen said.

"Not that I don't trust the outside, can we talk more privately, maybe?" Wuxian asked.

Xichen smiled and placed a privacy barrier over the residence, "what is going on, Wei Wuxian?" He asked.

"I wanted to ask you if you'd help me find some material so I can make a gift for Lan Zhan?" Wuxian asked nervously.

Lan Xichen was taken aback a bit. He wasn't expecting Wuxian to ask him such a question. No one has ever taken an interest in getting his little brother a gift, let alone make one. Lan Xichen was already taking a liking to Wuxian as he was taking his interest in Wangji seriously and being thoughtful about what to give him. Lan Xichen was also glad that Wuxian wanted to ask him if he could help.

"What kind of material are you considering?" Xichen asked.

"I was thinking maybe wood or maybe a mineral or stone. I wanted to carve something," Wuxian said as he took out the token Wangji gave him, "it was probably more for protection then anything but I still felt like it was personal since Lan Zhan carved it himself. I wanted to reciprocate and give him something as a courting gift."

"This token is technically considered a courting gift, and I am more than happy with helping you get materials for what you want to make," Xichen said, "our treasury has so much material that just sits there and I'd be happy to take you there to look at them to choose from."

"Okay, I'd like to go now but I did promise Wen Qing and Lan Zhan that I would rest," Wuxian said.

Xichen smiled, "I can gather a couple materials and if you don't like any of them I can go get different ones. It's not a problem, I have a guess on what material you would be interested in using so I will grab the best quality ones for you and you can choose from them," he compromised.

"Alright," Wuxian said, "that could work."

"So what are you going to make exactly?" Xichen asked.

Wuxian smiled, "just something."

"Oh, you will ask me for materials but you won't tell me what you will do with it?" Xichen asked in a teasing tone.

"Oh, ugh, i-it's just that..." Wuxian stuttered, he actually thought Xichen was upset as he didn't pick up on the teasing, "I w-was at his Jingshi once and saw he liked rabbits...so..."

"A'Xian, relax," Xichen said cutting him off, "I'm only teasing you. And rabbits are actually something special to him. Our mother loved rabbits and would house them with her and Wangji would help take care of them. Animals are not allowed within the sect but they got away with it. Wangji still takes care of those rabbits to this day. They are just located in a more secluded area of Cloud Recesses only where he and I know. I'm sure he or I can show you some time."

"That's really sweet...can I ask what happened to your parents?" Wuxian asked.

Xichen nodded, "our father, Qingheng Jun met our mother during a night hunt. He fell for her upon first sight but she didn't fall right away. Some things happened and it was never said as to why, but she killed one of our father's masters. To protect her, he married her and she was to live secluded. Our father lived in another secluded house. He'd meet with her in secret of course or else Wangji and I would not be here."

"That's...wow, I'm sorry," Wuxian said.

"It's alright," Xichen said, "Wangji has been someone who has always kept his feelings and emotions locked inside. It happened after our mother passed away. He took it harder out of the two of us. He was naturally quiet as it was but he only grew more reserved...until he met you."

"Am I really that big of an impact on him?" Wuxian asked.

"You are," Xichen said, "I have a feeling that you find it hard to believe."

"I've always struggled to gain trust in other people. I cannot feel physically pain but emotional and mental pain still exists. It's hard growing up in a place where only one person helped try to keep me alive," Wuxian said, "now that Lan Zhan can feel everything I endure, it's a bit scary. I don't want him hurting because of me or to suffer because of my condition."

"A'Xian, Wangji will never judge you for who you are and what you have. Once that bond is set, it will only grow. It is like our instincts know we like someone before our conscious does. Wangji figured it out instantly and he felt drawn to you. He is willing to be there for you, no matter what," Xichen said.

Wuxian nodded, "it's just new for me to accept I guess."

"And that is okay, it takes time to adjust to know changes," Xichen told him.

"That I am very much aware of," Wuxian agreed.

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