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~*Lan Wangji POV*~

I found myself waking up in the middle of the night sweating and with a stinging sensation on my back. I frowned knowing that this was not my pain. The connection between me and the head disciple of the Jiang sect had worked faster than I expected. I questioned whether or not this pain was there earlier for the head disciple. If it was, how did the man not know of this pain earlier?

I sighed as I did what I could to ignore the pain and went back to sleep. When morning came, the stinging sensation went down but I still felt it. I also can't just outright ask him either because he'd probably freak out with this information that I can feel what he felt. I managed to get through it as I bathed and dressed for the day. The greeting ceremony was today so maybe I can get answers later.

When I entered the lecture hall, I saw the head disciple standing at his desk quietly waiting patiently for the event to start. My desk was just to his left so maybe I can get answers. As I stood at my desk, I soon felt a presence next to me. I turned to see the head disciple standing there smiling at me.

"I never introduced myself properly yesterday, I am the head disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Wei Ying, courtesy Wei Wuxian. I apologize for not realizing I was speaking to the Second Master of Gusu yesterday. My Shidi told me and said I should apologize to you for being a nuisance to you already. So I apologize."

What? I questioned in my head, a nuisance? You aren't a nuisance. That Jiang heir is such a prick.

"No need to apologize, you did nothing of the sort," I said, "not a nuisance."

"Really?" He asked. His smile was so mesmerizing. I could stare at him all day if I could but that would be to shameful of me...well, right now anyway.

"Yes," I said, "it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Lan Zhan, courtesy Lan Wangji."

"Lan Zhan," he said fondly, "it's a nice name."

"Wei Wuxian, the ceremony is about to start, get back to your seat," the Jiang heir said.

Wei Ying sighed, "sorry, I have to go before he blows up the building."

I nodded and watched him return to his seat. I glanced at the Jiang heir and glared at him harshly. He seemed taken back by it and even a bit uncomfortable. That was the whole point of the glare. It's seems I will have to keep an eye on those two as their relationship seemed odd to me.

"Wangji?" Xiongzhang called for me up front.

I went up to him, "Xiongzhang," I greeted.

"I noticed you making the Jiang heir uncomfortable, why?" He asked.

"I was speaking with Wei Ying when he so rudely spoke to him," I said, "he even claimed Wei Ying is a nuisance to me."

Xiongzhang furrowed his brow, "huh? Why say such a thing?"

"I question it too," I said.

"Just focus on the ceremony for now and I will watch over the two," brother said. I nodded and returned to my seat.

The ceremony was going pretty smoothly until it was interrupted by the oh so arrogant Wen Sect, second young master Wen Chao. He not only has the audacity to speak so disrespectfully to my Shufu and brother but be rude to the disciples and guests here. He even admitted injuring the guards at the front gate to let them pass. It went from bad to worse when the Jiang heir spoke just as arrogantly to Wen Chao. Wen Chao snapped and was about to attack him when Wei Ying stood in front of him.

"I apologize on behalf of my Shidi, Second Master Wen. He sometimes doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut," he said, "but please be mindful of where you are. Even guests here are punishable."

Wei Ying already read the rules? No many are not from this sect have a hard time learning them so quickly.

"I do not care where I am, if I am disrespected, they need to know that," Wen Chao said.

"Then I will take his punishment on his behalf," Wei Ying said, "his temper is already punishment enough."

"Very well," Wen Chao said and looked at one of the guards beside him.

The guard moved towards Wei Ying and kneed him in the gut. I clenched my fist as I felt that blow as if it was my own but I did not move as I didn't want to give that away. Wei Ying, however, didn't seem phased by that blow either. He coughed up some blood and moved on as if it didn't happen. Was he not in pain? I was feeling it, how is he not reacting to it?

"Second Master Wen, we apologize for not receiving you. The Wen Sect hasn't attended our guest lectures in a few years. We weren't expecting you to come," my brother said as he was doing what he could to de-escalate the situation.

"I am not staying, I am just dropping someone off," Wen Chao said.

"I apologize for our inconvenience," the woman beside him said, "my Didi and I will be the ones to attend. Please forgive my master for his errors."

"We will just this once, but please, you must be tired from your journey. Why don't you go rest and be ready for classes tomorrow," Brother said.

After the Wens stepped outs Shufu had the Jiang heir and Wei Ying punished for making the situation worse. I sighed as it shouldn't be Wei Ying to be punished for taking the blow for his Shidi. That was already a punishment in itself. After the ceremony, I stayed behind with Xiongzhang to have a word with Shufu.

"Shufu, why did you punish both of the Jiang disciples?" Brother asked.

"They both shouldn't have intervened as you and I could have dealt with it," Shufu said.

"Shufu, please for my sake, get used to Wei Ying," I demanded, "he is my fated person."

"What? That boy is a menace!" He said.

"And once the connection is made, it cannot be broken," Brother said in Wei Ying's defense, "Wei Gongzi seems like a good student. I have only heard good things about his academics and cultivation."

Shufu sighed, "this connection thing is starting to get old," he said, "it's a gift and a curse all together."

"I do not care," I said, "I will protect Wei Ying, even from you, if I have to."

Shufu looked as if he was going to lose it but Brother stepped in first, "as he has a right to. Once the connection is made, his priority comes before the sect and us, Shufu. He is Wangji's other half. I am sure we can work something out..." brother than turned to me, "are you feeling okay? I know that blow must have hurt?"

"I am alright...I found Wei Ying's response to it a bit troubling," I replied.

"I noticed that," Shufu said and sighed, "keep an eye on him if he is your other half. Make sure he follows the rules as much as possible."

"I will, you have my word," I said, though I didn't want him to follow our rules. Wei Ying doesn't seem to be the person who likes rules and authority.

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