Mission Fails, Alternate Universes, And Half-Assed Confessions.

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So here I was, listening to Toby retell the same five stories over and over, and manage to get us lost what I swear was ten times.

I was on my phone as he recalled how we first met before I smacked into a tree.

"It was funny when you-" He cut off, "Heart, you good?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

I rubbed my nose, stumbling forward.

"I smacked into a tree, dipshit! What do you think?" I sneered quietly, and he just chuckled.

"Didn't feel a damn thing!" He exclaimed before taking off running.

"Wha- Toby! Get back here!!" I screeched before running after him, an annoyed expression on my face.

He was laughing, and I was yelling for him to stop and that he'd get hurt while wildly waving around my knife.

Fucking ironic.

I was successfully ducking and dodging all of the stray foliage, until a random tree branch smacked me in the face, causing me to swing downward and onto the grass.

It took me a moment or two before I opened my eyes, rubbing my now sore face and nose as I sat up.

It took me another moment before I realized the crazed giggling and laughs had ceased.

But as I turned my head left and right, even up to see if he was there, Toby was nowhere to be found.

I sat up, avoiding the wayward branch as I scratched my head.

"Toby?" I called out, turning my head again to see nothing but the vast shrubbery and dark trees that scattered the forest I was now stranded in.

"Toby?! If this is a fucking prank I swear to a God I don't believe in!-" I shouted again, louder this time.

Dead silence.

It was honestly kind of creepy.

"Why does this mysterious shit always happen to me?" I muttered to myself as I started walking forward, trying to find my partner in crime.

And hopefully soon, my true partner.

Ignoring that... I moved slowly, turning my head every once in a while and calling out for him.


After what felt like forever, I was about to give up, and clearly about to fall asleep, seeing as the world decided to give me a crude wake-up call by nearly smacking me with ANOTHER tree branch.

But before it could hit me, I ducked beneath it, twirling around as I mocked it, giving it the middle finger.

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