The Day Before [Copy-Pasted]

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I could feel my body tossing and turning around in my bed.
I knew it was just a dream, but I couldn't help it.

The dark figure was getting closer and closer to me.
I couldn't move. My body was frozen in one place.
This was it. This was the end of me.

The freekishly tall dark figure with abnormally large limbs was now just standing right in front of me, staring straight through my eyes as if it could see how panicked I really was.

It was whispering my name.


"Ash.. It's time.."


I couldn't hear it that well over the sound of my own heart beat. It was so loud I could swear my heart would jump straight out of my chest any moment now. I wasn't ready to die. Not this way.

Then it began screeching out, his arms reaching out to grab me.




Before I had enough time to react in a way, other than just staring at the creature with wide eyes, it had smashed my face in the ground and then-

"Ash! Wake up!"


"It's time for school! Get up this instant! You're going to be late if you spend any more time lazying around!"

"Coming! Jeez.."

Sitting up in my bed, my head wouldn't stop spinning. God, I have a killer headache. That stupid monster couldn't pick any other day, could it. Perhaps one when I didn't have to get up and act as if nothing had happened for the sake of surviving school.

I rubbed a bit at my eyes, glancing to my left to get a look of myself in the mirror.

My hair was all over the place and my eyes had gained dark spots underneath them. 'Of course, why not. Thank you so much, monster! That was just what I needed today, you know?'

I would have spent more time getting myself prepared, but I realized just how late I am.

'Oh, for god's sake!' I muttered under my breath as I made a show of quickly taking my phone off the charger on the nightstand, tripping over the cord and falling down. No time to waste though, I quickly got up and ran straight to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and splashing my face with cold water.

After that, I rummaged through my closet for my favorite skirt and a short black T-shirt, along with some white and black striped thigh-highs and a pair of black boots.

Putting the lower clothing on, I came to the realization my binder was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh no, fuck, where could it be? No, no no no no-" I had almost pulled everything out of it's place by now. I couldn't go to school without it. If my friends noticed my chest, it would be over for me. I had gained so much respect and reputation with my current look, I'm scared they'll all hate me if they knew the truth.

'Wait! My mom did the laundry yesterday.. The washer-' Before my thoughts even had time to catch on, I was already out the door and to the laundry room.

Fortunately, it was there. Taking it out, it was still slightly damp, but I couldn't care less.

Soon enough, I was fully dressed and had my bag over my shoulder, rushing for the exit. If I waste any more time, I'll be actually late and I can't imagine what my teacher would do if I let that happen.


"I don't have time-!"

"Your breakfast!"

"Wait, my headphones!-"

My mother let out a long breath as I rushed back up and took my black headphones, putting them loosely around my neck and connecting them to my phone. I could apologize later, perhaps when I'm not as close to getting a life-time detention as I am right now.

"I put your breakfast in this bag, so you can take it to school and have it there, okay?"

"Thank you, mum! I love you!"

Before she had the chance to reply though, I had taken the bag out of her hand and rushed out the front door.

Another deep sigh left my mother's mouth.

"Teenagers.. No time for a goodbye kiss anymore, huh? You also have dance tonight, don't forget about it!!" She'd yelled to me from the door as I was already running down the street.

"Yes, thank you!!"

"I'm going to be so late, I am going to be sooo late-"

I put my headphones on as I started the first playlist I saw open on my phone. It happened to be a mix of my favorite songs. Huh, I'm lucky today, am I not?

I made it to school just in time with how fast I was running, but everyone else was already on the entrance as I stood to the side, trying to catch my breath. God, I'm not athletic by any means.

Enough self pitying, I caught a glimpse of my best friend as she caught my arm and dragged me over to our lockers.

"Almost late again, aren't you? Wow, where would you be without me, huh!" She continued on while opening both of our lockers and shoving a couple of schoolbooks in my arms. I'm really lucky to have her, really.

The bell ringing startled us both. She quickly caught my arm and dragged us both to our first class.

A few hours later, once those god forsaken 6 hours were over, we were walking out the building as we spoke and laughed at what happened the last class. That poor boy, he had to stay back to clean up all the ink that he'd pushed over! I almost feel bad for him.

"I'll see you at dance?"

"Yeah, of course!"

And that was the last of her I heard as she rushed to a car nearby.

I took a deep breath, beginning my way back home. I'm so tired, my legs hurt so much too.. PE was a nightmare. I should have skipped, really! Who in their right mind makes children run 10 laps of the largest yard of the school?!

I put on my headphones once more, resuming the playlist from earlier today.

It was already getting dark outside, so I wouldn't be able to go out with my friends after dance. I was planning on sneaking out during the night though. I heard that the view at night was really pretty from a hill nearby. Everyone I know has seen it at least once! So I had to try too.

"I'm back!"

"Your leotard's in the drier, please be careful when you're taking it out though! My clothes are there, too."

"You got it!"

On my way to the laundry room, I tossed my back pack in my room and grabbed the one I use to go to dance, stuffing a water bottle and my headphones and phone in it, later on my leotard too after I had reached my destination.

Going back downstairs, I sat on the table with my mother and looked at what was on my plate.

In all honesty, I didn't feel like eating, at all. School always left me feeling a serious lack of appetite.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I picked up my fork and began eating. I'd get way more questions if I didn't, and I'd rather spare myself the lecture.

Putting my bag over my shoulder, my mother was already waiting for me on the front door along with my father. They were chatting about something, so it took them a while to notice me.

"Hey, Ash! Come on, we're going to be late."

"I'm already here!"

"Right, let's get going then."

Walking inside the studio, I noticed Gloria, my best friend from school, waiting for me by the entrance.

"Are you for real? You're literally 10 minutes late and you're not even running??"

"Oh, hush! Aren't you tired from PE too?!"

"I am, but that doesn't mean I want to be late!"

"Yeah, of course, whatever you say."

She dragged me over to the changing room as we both got in our leotards and put on some shorts, getting our dance shoes as well from a cabinet nearby.

"Good luck!"

"Yeah, same goes to you."

We went inside the studio and began stretching.

Everything in me was screaming at me to stop and just sleep. Why am I feeling so exhausted today?

"Please try to not be late for school tomorrow! Our first class is important! We're going to do a test!!"

"Calm your horses, I'll try!"

"Thank you, Ash! You better stick to your words, though!"

And again, she was gone like the wind for the red car honking like crazy, not before embracing me in a warm hug, though. Can't they wait a damn minute?? We were having a moment!

Getting inside my mom's car, I put on my headphones and closed my eyes, trying to just relax a bit. The exhaustion was bone deep by now.

Nobody spoke the entire ride, which I was rather thankful for.

Walking inside my room, I quickly took my binder off. My chest felt utterly crushed, I had stayed way too long in it. I knew that chest-ache wasn't just from moving so much.. Well, that's for future me to worry about.

I put on a baggy shirt along with some jeans and sat on my bed, pulling out my phone to check the time. It was 9:57PM.

"Goodnight, Ash. Please don't sleep in that outfit though, that's definitely not comfortable."

"Goodnight, mum. And yeah, I was just about to change into my pj's!"

She walked out of my room, and I smirked to myself. That was a total lie, I'm not even planning on going to bed yet.

Opening my window, I quickly jumped down on the roof that could be reached from my bedroom and ran across it, going down a ladder and running off to the hill.

What everyone said wasn't rumours, the sight truly was breath taking. I leaned back and smiled at the brightly shining moon, counting the stars around it.

A couple of yawns broke me out of my haze. I realized I must have fallen asleep here.

It was still dark outside, so it couldn't have been too much time, right??

"Oh god-" I quickly jumped up from the grass and ran back to the ladder, over the roof and in my bedroom.

Checking the time, it was only 12AM.

Yeah, I truly am lucky today.

Closing the window, I set my alarm for tomorrow and got in bed.

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