Now Look Where That Got Me, A Place Where Secrets Unfold. [Short,& Mostly Chats]

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But they always say 'never go to bed angry.'...




I was awoken by falling off the couch.

But before I could open my eyes, I heard whispers before me.

They were trying hard to be quiet, so I decided not to let them know I was awake, and instead, I listened.

"That looked like it hurt."

"Well, they're still asleep, so it must not have hurt that bad."

"Anyways, what are you planning?"

"Naturally, I'm planning to give them training."

Training... I remember now! The other version of me had warned me about that.

They never went into detail, though, but...

I was also supposed to tell Toby I loved him at the Valentine's Day mission, but that went to shit.

I continued listening to them, still pretending I was fast asleep.

"Are you sure?"

"Are you questioning me?"

"No, sir."

"Mm. And it starts with their little friend."

"What would you like me to do?"

"Bring her here, and I'll give you further instruction once you succeed."

"Yes sir."

"Good, and I'm sure Black Heart will be a useful asset after their training is finished."
"If they finish, that is."

After that, footsteps were heard, getting further away and closer.


"You are my most troublesome Proxy, and that's saying something."
"You've caused mishap after mishap, yet..."
"Something about you."
"Something about you made me pick you."
"You may not know what it is yet, not even I know."
"But don't mess this up."

I knew one voice was Slender, but I could never make out that other voice.

I didn't have much time to think about it though, as I felt myself being picked up and moved.

Soon I was placed onto a soft bed, and I immediately recognized it as my own.



"Please, sir, don't do this to them."

"You have no say in this."

"I just..."

"Want them to yourself? Want their love? You know that won't happen. Especially after that mess you called a mission."

"I know it wasn't what you expected, but-"

"And that's what made up my mind."
"Plus, you betrayed their trust, it's not like they'll fall in love with you, not after that."

"It was your fault!"


"You can't deny it, sir."

What on earth was going on??

Does Toby... Like me?


He wouldn't.

And more importantly, does Slender know I like Toby?!

Not in a romantic way, of course, but still!

"Even so, it still made up my mind, they need the training."

"That 'training' is literal torture, and you know it."
"Why else would you have it? You could have normal training, but no. You like to see us suffer."

"I do it for my purposes."

"Those purposes are you getting off to seeing traumatized kids, teenagers, and adults get even more traumatized."


"No, I'm not wrong, you do all of this for your own sick pleasure, and make us do all of the dirty work for you afterwards!"
"And for what? I don't get it."

"And you never will."
"Now, I must go prepare for tomorrow."

"What if Black Heart's awake right now, and is listening to our conversation? And what if I told them what happens during your so-called 'training'? What would you do then?"


"Mhm, I'm going back to bed. And I'm telling Black Heart in the morning."

"No, you will not."

"So what?"

It was dead silence for the next maybe fifteen seconds before I heard footsteps leave the room, and the door close.

Then it was the other bed creaking, and soft footsteps.

"Fuck punishment. You deserve to know... And if you can hear me, I'm sorry for what happened at the mission, I never wanted to hurt you, but if I went against Slender..."

He leaned in and hugged me before touching his finger to my cheek gently and pulling the blankets up on the bed.

He soon moved back to his own bed, and I was left to my own thoughts.

I debated revealing I wasn't asleep, but I eventually decided against it.

I would figure this whole thing out in the morning.

For now, I can only hope that I can see the 'other me' in another dream, even if it means going through that whole mess again.

I snuggled into the blanket and finally drifted off to sleep.

I don't know if I can forgive Toby, but I've heard what General Pool Noodle can do, so I kind of can't blame him.

Kind of.

I feel bad for him as well, and I wonder what the future had in store for us.

[ :) -BH ]

Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hellvision [Revision]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن