A job in Rulid Village

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As if riding on the wind itself, Gideon carried his human and his goddess across the land

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As if riding on the wind itself, Gideon carried his human and his goddess across the land. Stopping  a few times to rest and give Gideon a chance to graze and drink some water while also  using the cooking supplies in the bag Aisha made to cook some fish they caught in a nearby lake. Evan was happy he was able to showcase his cooking skills to his goddess as time consuming as it was, thankfully Nike thoroughly enjoyed the meal.  The sun had gone down and they made it to the city of Mishe, they've been traveling for almost nine hours and the village should be just beyond the mountains north of the city. The city at night was fairly quiet and calm, Evan had only been this way once for a job and the place hadn't changed much. "Finally made it, and the last trek is just beyond those mountains. Good job, Gideon." The horse neighed in response.

"It's pretty late, do you think we'll be able to find room at an inn by this point?"

"Someone should have space for us, I've only been here once but we should be able to get a room and a bite to eat before everyone goes down for the night." His nose twitched as a pleasant aroma of food hit his senses, following his nose he saw a large multi-floor inn that sounded just as lively as the rest of the taverns on this street. "Weathercock Pavilion. That's a pretty weird name for an inn." He thought aloud as he read the sign while he pulled Gideon along. 

"I think I just found us a place for the night

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"I think I just found us a place for the night."

Nike turned to where he was looking, the place didn't seem like much but it was acceptable. "That place looks nice, and it seems pretty lively."

"My thoughts exactly, I just hope they have a space for Gideon. Let's go check it out, Boy." They were able to book a one night stay costing 400 valis, thankfully the Inn had stables for the customers horses, and for an extra 200 valis Gideon was given his own stable with water and a hey feeder. After getting him situated Evan and Nike dropped their things off in their room. It was a simple but nice two bed room with a lantern at the door and one between the two beds with a window and a table in the corner.

Nike went to the bed closest to the door and laid across it, her body felt so good as she sank into it "This is far nicer than I expected. These beds are so soft." She happily squealed as she basked in the bed's surprising softness.

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