(Accidental) Menacekouji

385 20 45

'Going to school on a bus will help you adjust to normal society, Ayanokouji-sama.'

Fucking. Bullshit.

How would taking a bus ride to school be of any help to him in adjusting to society? Give him a taste of what normal people do on a daily basis?

Well, normal people adjust through repeated practice. This? This was forcing him to improvise. No practice whatsoever. Nada. Just the raw thing thrown at his face.

Oh, yeah. That doesn't sound bad until you realize all his social skills came from watching other people converse in VR.

He hasn't ever interacted with them, either. Just... hovered there on the sidelines and watched. Like, what the internet calls, a creep.

Did Matsuo expect him to bloom like one of those Neelakurinji flowers? One that takes forever to bloom but eventually does? And think that suddenly his previously documented nonexistent social skills will blossom amidst a bus ride to a high school?

Ha. Ha.

"Why are you staring at me?" a sharp voice tinged with condescension cut through his thoughts from his right.

Before his brain even processed the other person's words, his mouth moved on its own.

"Just wondering how anyone could be that ugly."

There was a pause.

The black-haired girl looked affronted.

"Excuse me?"

... What was he supposed to say to this again?

"You're excused."

That sounded about right.

The black-haired girl shot him a disgusted look and swiftly got up from her seat.

"I can't stand people like you," she lifted her chin and strove to the front of the bus, leaving behind an empty seat that was soon occupied by a hobbling grandma with a cane.

Won't you look at that, Matsuo? He already messed up and he hasn't even arrived at his school yet.

This was exactly why he wanted to ride in your car, damnit.



It just had to be his luck to be seated next to the very girl he antagonized by accident on the bus, wasn't it?

She didn't even try speaking to him and just glared at him as she slammed her book down on her desk.

... Was that a threat?

... Maybe he deserved that.

He looked out the window.

He originally meant to use the line "You're not pretty... you're beautiful" on her. It was popular according to the internet as a compliment or something, but straight-up calling her ugly instead of "You're not pretty" might've been too much.

What a pain. He just wanted the effects to be stronger...

See, Matsuo?! This is why he didn't want to ride the damn bus! He needed more time to adjust and what did you do?

'Ahh, Ayanokouji-sama. It'll be fine. Just experience it, okay?'

It. Was. Not. Fine.

And he can't even cry because according to the internet, people look ugly when they cry and he was already plain enough.

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