The Fight

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Miss Bluebird woke up early to eat and practice. She also teased Harrison because his owner wasn't up yet.

"Haha, you're stuck inside!"

"You just wait," he growled, "I'll get you!"

A little later Harrison waltzed out of the house only to be greeted by a slam on the back by a peck-thud from Miss Bluebird.

"Ow," hissed Harrison, "I'll get you for that!" And the next time she came down she got grazed by cat claws on the shoulder. 

It kept going on for a few minutes until Harrison finally trapped her under his paws.

"I told you," he purred.

"HA!" said Miss Bluebird and she spat a berry in his face giving her time to free herself.

And she pecked his tail sending him yowling into the house.

Then she preened and went to sleep while Harrison moped and was tended for.

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