Dr. Alto Clef

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Nombre: Alto Clef

estado: no infectado y herido

el Dr. Clef, fue uno de los primeros en matar infectados como si no fueran nada, el esta dispuesto a no tenerles compasion alguna sin importa quien es, es un guerrero completo aunque no le importa mucho el bienestar de los demas. mientras destruya a su enemigo el estara bien. salvo al Dr. Glass de ser atacado por un infectado con su escopeta, aunque el conocia muy bien a quien asesino no le tuvo remordimiento aunque fuera su mayor rival antes.... despues del gran incendio en el sitio, recibio algunas quemaduras de gran nivel aun con estas heridas sigue luchando no se detendra pronto


Name: Alto Clef

status: not infected and injured

Dr. Clef was one of the first to kill infected people as if they were nothing, he is willing to have no compassion for them no matter who he is, he is a complete warrior although he does not care much about the well-being of others. As long as he destroys his enemy he will be fine. saved Dr. Glass from being attacked by an infected person with his shotgun, although he knew very well who the murderer was, he had no remorse even though he was his biggest rival before... after the big fire at the site, he received some serious burns. level, even with these injuries, keep fighting, it won't stop soon.

Fundación Infeccion AU SCPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora