Chapter 4

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"This was a terrible idea." said Veronica, who was currently trying to find an exit. "Well, if you hadn't shoved us in here like a herd of animals, we would be at the condo by now." Explained Archie with an annoyed face because he was paired with Veronica. "Let's just keep looking around." said Veronica as she rolled her eyes. They start walking around looking for tools to break the locks on the door. They come across an old janitor's closet and start searching to find something useful. As they were searching Veronica felt something squeeze her arm and she yelped and stood up quickly. "What the fuck was that?!" Cursed Veronica. Archie looked at her with confusion. "What was what?" Asked Archie. "Something just squeezed my arm very hard, and it burned really badly!" Explained Veronica with a scared look on her face. Archie examines her arm and notices a very big purple and red mark on her lower forearm. "Uhm, Veronica?" Asked Archie. "Yeah?" Said Veronica weary voiced. "Don't freak out but there is a huge burn on your arm." Said Archie trying not to scare the girl but being unsuccessful as she had already started examining her own arm. Veronica screamed in terror as she started running towards where she last saw her sister. "VIVIAN, SOMETHING JUST BURNED ME!" Screamed Veronica who currently had tears pouring down her face. Vivian looks down to where Veronica was holding her arm and starts analyzing it. "Hmm. Did you see what could have done it?" Asked Vivian. "NO, I WAS TO BUSY FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!" Screamed Veronica. "OKAY WELL TELLING ME SOMETHING I ALREADY KNOW WON'T SOLVE ANYTHING, SO TELL ME IF YOU SAW SOMETHING OR NOT! Screamed back Vivian. Veronica frantically starts shaking her head no and says she didn't see anything. After getting answers they walk over to where Oliver and Knox are and start explaining that they need to hurry because there is someone or something lurking in the school. "Has anyone seen Riza and Jayden by the way?" Asked Vivian. "I'm pretty sure they went over to the gym." Said Oliver. "Alright well what are we waiting for? Let's go get them." Said Vivian. They quickly find the route towards the gym and see Riza waiting impatiently at the entrance without Jayden in sight. "Where's Jayden?" Questioned Lily. "He said he was going to your group to see if you found any information. But as I'm looking at you right now and not seeing him, I'm assuming he isn't with you either." Explained Riza. "Great. Just great. No Jayden and we have whatever the fuck it is along with its little minions lurking in the school. What next? My dignity is gone?" Said Vivian frustrated. "Let's keep looking for him then. Let's figure out where he went." Said Lily trying to calm down her girlfriend. They start walking around the campus trying to find evidence of Jayden going somewhere on the property. They were nearing the principal's office as they heard faint cries in the distance. They turned the corner cautiously to be met with a lifeless looking Jayen laying on the ground in a fetal position. "What the hell Jayden! Where were you?" Screamed Veronica being met with the groundbreaking fierce look of Knox. "Shut the fuck up and stop yelling. Give him a fucking second." Snapped Knox giving Veronica an annoyed but scary face. Veronica nodded her head and stepped back. Knox rolled his eyes and mumbled "dumb bitch". Oliver giggled and smirked over at Knox. Knox looked in the direction of the laugh to be met with Oliver's smirk. Knox grew red from being stared down by Oliver. "Stop flirting and let's help Jayden up." Vivian said as she rolled her eyes. Knox grew redder (if that was even possible) and started helping up the passed-out Jayden. "We will have to ask what happened when he awakes again." Said Riza examining Jayden. "I'm going to go search some more." Announced Veronica. They yelled a bunch of "alright" and "okay" as she started walking out of the office doors. She was walking down a hallway filled with classrooms and bathrooms. As she was walking, she heard some whispering and movement but didn't think it was THAT important. She entered a classroom looking in the drawers and cabinets only coming across pencils and duct tape but nothing useful. She entered the same hallway but turned left instead of right this time and found a dark hallway filled with a bunch of doors and more mini hallways. She entered one of the old classrooms finding old desks and computers. If she was being honest, she was still very scared of being alone considering she was just burned by something she couldn't even see. She heard some noises coming out of the junk closet located on the far right of the classroom. She started walking over ready to investigate and open the door. (Which you never do VERONICA) She started opening the door all the way being met with red bloodthirsty eyes. She screamed and tried to run away but got tackled to the ground with full force as the demon lunged on top of her. As she was being scratched, she tried to escape but failed miserably as the demon bit her head off from the bottom of her collarbone, creating a pool of blood on the floor. Once the demon was finished it disappeared into thin air leaving just Veronica's detached head and body.

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