Chapter 3

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"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Yelled Knox running into the classroom and immediately being engulfed in a hug by Oliver. "Is everything ok are YOU ok?" Oliver asked with a concerned and panicked look. "Something just fucking scratched my back!" Knox said. "What's going on?" Julian asked as he came into the room. "Something scratched Knox," Lily stated. "I told you a first aid kit would come in handy," Julian said as he pulled the first aid kit out of his backpack. "Yeah, whatever," Lily said rolling her eyes. "You're starting to sound like Veronica," Archie said teasing Lily. "Don't compare me to that selfish bitch!" Lily yelled. "Who are you calling selfish!" Veronica said running into the room and grabbing Lily by the collar of her shirt. "Hey, you too stop!" Vivian and Ivy yelled in sync. "Knox can you please take off your shirt so I can wrap up your wound," Julian said with a sigh. "Yeah, sure..." Knox said taking off his shirt. "Holy shit..." Julian said with wide eyes as he stared at the giant gaping scratch marks on Knox's back. "You might need stitches," Julian proceeded. "Hey get Riza in here!" Oliver yelled. "What's going on?" Riza asked. "You're good at sewing right, do you think you can stitch up these scratches?" Oliver said. "Those are way more than just scratches but yeah I'll try." She said kneeling by Knox who was now sitting on the floor. "This going to hurt so DON'T MOVE," Riza said grabbing medical thread, Sterile cotton balls, elastic bandages, and a pair of gloves. "We're going to have to "disinfect first," she said gripping the cotton balls with a pair of tweezers. "Ow!" Knox yelled from the sting of the rubbing alcohol. "I told you it would hurt," Riza said as she finished cleaning his wounds. "Now we have to stitch it up," Riza said grabbing the tread and needle. "Ok..." Knox said a little scared.

(A while later cause I'm too lazy to say what happened)

"Ow that fucking hurt," Knox said. "Yeah yeah whatever," Riza said standing up. "Guys it's getting late we should find a place to sleep," Julian said. "I saw a locker room and it seemed pretty clean," Lily said. "I guess we could sleep there..." Julian said.

(They go to the locker rooms and sleep and now it's morning cause I'm lazy)

"We need to limit how much we eat so we can conserve food," Vivan said. "I agree," Lily said. "Well of course her girlfriend would agree," Veronica said, crossing her arms. "Anyways, I think maybe we should split into groups so we can find an exit faster, and we all have walkie talkies," Vivan said. "Yeah, that would make sense," Riza said. "So then who should be in which group?" Riza asked. "I want to be in a group with Ethan and Jayden!" Ivy said. "And I'll be with Knox and Julian," Oliver said. "Do I have to be in a group with you, I mean I would kind of be a third wheel," Julian said looking at Knox and Oliver. "Julian, you won't be a third wheel because they aren't even dating." Lily said. "Yet," Julian added. "Anyways, Archie and Vivian are going to be with me," Veronica said confidently. "We are?" Archie and Vivian said, looking at Veronica. "Well that leaves me, Lily and Evie," Riza said.

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