The Mask Tightens

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I smiled as I left the station and walked towards my Taurus. I had arranged to see Rita and missing a date isn't very good for my cover, so I picked up some waffles and headed to San Angeline Street for the second time this week. As Rita opened the door, Astor and Cody ran out. "Hi Dexter!" said Astor "Dexter, did you bring donuts?" asked Cody. "Nope, even better, waffles" "What's that?" "A waffle. It's like a pancake, but square." "Why's it square?" "Because it was invented by Simon P. Waffle and he liked to stack his waffles in boxes and that's just easier to do if they're square". Astor and Cody happily ran back inside the house with the waffles. Success. "Dexter, how's your day been?" asked Rita "Good, solved a homicide. How about you?" "That's err... nice. I've been looking forward to seeing you" "Are the kids ready?" "They've been ready for hours, they're so excited about going on your boat". "Ok, let's get going. You can all come in my car". "Kids, time to go". Astor and Cody ran out of the house and jumped in the car, all the time asking excited questions as we drove down to the marina. I like kids, they're innocent, straightforward; no complex emotions, must like me. It's when they get that little bit older; when they sat developing emotions I never did. That's when we lose our connection, because I can't connect, truly connect with those emotions. I know that will eventually happen with Astor and Cody. I know that one day the magic will be gone but until then I'll savour every moment I have with them. I arrived at the marina, my boat bobbing on the water, just like all the others. I'd forgotten how my boat could double as a pleasure cruiser, for so long it's been my funeral transport, a dark tool of my trade.

 Astor and Cady ran towards the boat, climbing on and I held out my hand for Rita to follow. "Dexter, your boat is lovely, do you get out on it often?" "When I can, it always brings me such peace". "The kids love it already, they can't wait to get out on the open sea." "Ok, let's get going". "I sat at the console as I had so many times before and Astor and Cody ran and played where Edward and so many of my other night friends had sat motionless, awaiting their final plunge. We were out on the boat until the early evening, the kids playing and laughing and always finding something to intertest then, Rita talking and me thinking. Thinking about Rita. I only ever started anything with Rita because it was convenient, because she was good cover, but laterly I've been thinking that perhaps she's something more. I'm not human, perhaps I never will be, but when I'm with Rita, somehow, I feel just a little less empty and the kids, almost, for a second, make me feel whole, I don't get many days like this, so I saviour them when I get them, but maybe I was wrong, maybe Harry was wrong, maybe I'm capable of more than I ever thought. Maybe, one day I will rise from the shadons and bask in the light. I've always lived my life by putting on a mask, hiding my true intentions and desires, but if you play a role long enough, really commit, does it become real? Could I become real? This sweet creature has begun to thaw my ice-cold heart, to show me that I'm more than just Harry's personal vendetta machine and as much I always told myself I'm not, that there is a human deep inside me after all. Sure, I'm still who I was, who I am, but the question is what'll I become. There are so many blanks to fill in the life of Dexter Morgan. 

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