Defending the Voiceless

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Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen again and again. Has to happen. Nice Night. Miami is a great town, I love the Cuban Food, vegan pork sandwiches, my favourite, but I'm hungry for something different now. Cruising through downtown Miami at night is an eye-opening experience and not for the faint hearted. Every depth of human debauchery is on display, for the whole world to see, but I'm more interested in what's hidden in the shadows. Edward Weiss, an unassuming name for an unassuming man. He looked every part a normal, if not particularly impressive, businessman on his way to work as he grabbed his morning coffee at Sadie's. Just so happens, I was grabbing mine there too. Emblazoned on his briefcase were the words "Sampson Industrial Laboratories", you would probably think he looked through a microscope for a living, a bit like me, but his true work was deeply obscured. Hidden. And with good reason. Mr Weiss, Head of Procurement and Senior Technician at Sampson Industrial Laboratories had a resume that would make the most hardened carnist seem like a devoted animal lover. For the past 22 years, he had worked his way up in a place which one would conservatively term Hell. He had been showered with industry accolades and had written textbooks that could be found in every science classroom in America, but what had he done to reach such a position? He had tortured and instituted the torture of thousands of innocent animals; rats, rabbits, dogs, chimpanzees and many more had suffered and died at his hands, had fallen prey to his scalpel. There were worse allegations. Whistleblowers claimed that no only did Dr Weiss stomach the torture he was responsible for, but he enjoyed it, deliberately devising crueler and crueler "experiments" only to live out his sick fantasies and whilst he had been reported time and time again, the industry had closed ranks around him, fuelling his delusions of grandeur ever more and allowing him to become bolder in his abuse. I had followed him for weeks now, and I knew his schedule intimately. After his morning coffee, he would head to work, then, after a long day of torture, always being the last to leave, this was a guy who loved his job, would head home to his apartment, but he'd never get there tonight. As I sat in my Taurus, I knew exactly what I would do, exactly what I would say to the good doctor. I'd never found the word excitement particularly useful when describing my state of mind, but I was certainly anticipating the meeting of minds that was about to occur tonight.

I parked a long way from the laboratory, always careful to cover my tracks and approached Edward's Toyota. It wouldn't be difficult for me to break in. It wasn't. Then, I waited, knowing my prey would come to me. Just as I thought, the last to leave, it was almost 11, he must have been enjoying the torture today, not knowing it'd be his last. He unlocked his car and sat down in the driver's seat. Almost immediately, I sat up in the seat and swung my garrotte around his neck, pulling tightly and feeling as wire dug into flesh. I could see the look of pure terror in his eyes as he suddenly realised he wasn't alone, causing me to smirk a little. He must have seen that look before, I thought. And he was right to have it now. "What do you want" he managed to stammer out. "I want you to drive", I replied. So he'd get the message, I pulled a little tighter on the wire around his neck. "Do exactly as I say, and I might just let you live a little longer." With no other choice, he followed my instructions and began to drive out of the laboratory car park. He then tried to bargain with me, many of them do. "I have money, a lot of money, just name me a price and we can sort all this out, right?" I pulled the line even tighter, "You speak when I say you can, not before". Ever obedient, Edward nodded. After driving for about half an hour, we came across a small dirt road. "Turn here" A second passed and he still hadn't turned. I pulled on the wire tighter and tighter and said softly "turn here." Edward turned down the dirt road, towards what looked to be an abandoned house. "Stop". The lights of the car slowly dimmed as it came to a stop. I pulled the wire even tighter, before suddenly releasing it, leaving Edward gasping for air. I quickly went round to the driver's side and opened the door, grasping Edward by the neck and dragging him from the car, before throwing him to the ground. "Walk". Edward looked up at me with abject terror in his eyes "Please, Please..." he managed to say before I had once again placed the fishing line around his neck and began to pull him towards the house. As we reached the door, I suddenly released the wire, and not giving him a second to regain his breath, placed my hand around his neck and dragged him inside. "Get up". Edward obliged and walked into the house, I could hear his heart beat out of its chest and whilst my reaction wasn't as excited as his, I began to feel the slow release of everything that builds up inside me. A feeling of calm began to settle on me and the voices started to quiet down. I flipped a light switch and a bright light lit up the room, which I had covered in plastic sheeting. Edward looked around, a little in awe, but mostly in terror and I looked him in the eyes as I pushed him up against the wall. "Please" he whispered at me. "Please what, Edward? Let you go? And why would I do that? You haven't been so merciful." Edward looked at me, fear and confusion turning to anger. "Is that's what this is about? The fucking animals, you're fucking crazy, y..." "I'm sorry, I've gotta to interrupt you there. I promise we'll talk soon" I said as I jammed my needle into his neck. Edward's fear very quickly returned to his eyes, as he fell unconscious. 

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