chapter seventeen

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After a week of training Ichiro agreed to a combat match against Sumi. They were only allowed to use their fists and nothing else, that includes magic. Alright Sumi, give me everything you got no holding back, Ichiro said ready to see if her training is bearing any fruit yet. I wouldn't be so disrespectful to hold back. Sumi charges at him, throwing out a flurry of punches. She's gotten good with both strength and speed. But Ichiro is redirecting all of her punches. Then he throws one of his own hitting her right on her cheek. This knocked her to the ground and one him the match. Sumi your speed and strength are good but they are lacking skill. Not only that but your defense is just non-existent. So you need to improve upon skill and defense. Although she had plenty of both back then, Ichiro is thinking about their last battle. I will do my best, Sumi is happy that she has such a strong teacher. They continue training for the rest of the day, ending it exhausted. Meanwhile in a different location, we have found a hidden warehouse, a soldier said to Sama. We can tell that the warehouse was recently inhabited by Akuma. They are gone but maybe they had met with Daku before that happened. Yes it would be nice if we could get a trace of him in there, Sama said in a composed manner. She now carries the Katana that was gifted to her by Kurai. Well then let's go in.
  They started to clear room after room. They also had to be wary of traps. The facility was once a medical facility but it's been abandoned. A perfect hideout for a group like Akuma. They eventually came across a room, it was at the back of the facility. The medical facility was built into a mountain but it goes no further than this room. The room had one table in it probably used for surgical purposes. Ok, begin looking for traces here, Sumi said. They had already checked every other room. This one was the last. Sama wasn't expecting to find anything, that's why she was quite surprised when one of the troops said they found something. Those in the tracking until used their spiritual energy to track where others have been. If something possesses spiritual energy they can be tracked. It's not an art, more of a special use of spiritual energy. The traces appear as footprints with the color of the eyes of whom is being traced. And these guys have found a trace of Daku. The dead lose their traces so since there is one in this facility it must belong to Daku.
  They quickly exit the facility ready to report the information to commander Asahi. But that's when they are attacked. It was an ambush of people waiting outside of the facility. The soldiers are all shocked to see that their attackers are civilians. They all look like normal people welding kitchen knives. Don't hold back, Sama said. They are obviously under the control of Daku. It's said his ability can not be broken once it's taken hold of someone. So these people can't be saved. Un.. understood, the soldiers say ready to attack. Sama places a hand on her katana ready to use it. Sword technique: quick draw, she quickly slices every one of the people. Her bladder was back in its sheath faster than anyone could see it was drawn. This is the skill Sama has with her blade. They begin to head back to Muteki city to report

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