chapter thirteen

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I have received a response from Kurai, the commander says in a hopeful panic. He has given a meeting location. Asahi was telling this to Sumi and Ichiro, Sama has yet to recover enough to go anywhere. It would go without saying that a cautious person like Kurai wouldn't agree to soldiers being brought. But he agreed to two additional people going with the commander. Probably in consideration for his two children. Kurai split away from Asahi shortly after Ichiro and Sama were born. Kurai assumed they were fighting at their fathers side and would want to come. However Sama is unavailable at that time. So it will be Sumi that is going with the commander and Ichiro.
  They had headed to the meeting spot. A journey that only took a few hours since these three were especially fast. Once they arrived a man a black kimono was awaiting them. He was tall and his hair was dark brown. But the most eye-catching detail about his appearance was his eyes. They were a red that glowed brightly in the darkened land. That's not a figure of speech, his eyes literally glowed and the darkness made them shine brighter. Wo, why are his eyes like that, Sumi asks in shock. It's a trait of being of shadow blood, Ichiro answers. All people of shadow blood have red eyes but some have a glow to that as well. It signifies they have awakened some ability due to that. Although there is a trade off. You see, ironically those of shadow blood have sensitivity to light. Some have eye sensitivity, some have skin sensitivity. These eyes enhance the former making it very difficult to see in light. But these abilities are worth the downside. So what's his ability, Sumi asks. I don't know, he never told even father. Also fair enough to say that those of shadow blood can see easily in the dark. I suppose that makes sense, Sumi replies. Asahi you want me to help you with an enemy who possesses a sealed demon, Kurai speaks. Yes, that is correct. Ichiro, it's been a while since I saw you. I believe you were three years old going on to four soon then. And now look at you, you've become quite the man. And your sister Sama, she had just been born at that time. I am a little bit disappointed that I couldn't see how she has matured. Although I am a bit curious who this new one is. My name is Sumi and I am a friend of theirs. Is that so, I like you, you've got some real spirit. Anyways as to your earlier request, the answer is no. I can't leave my village unsupervised for that long. But I can help you in a different way. I have prepared three tags with the required seal on them. I will give them to you. Thank you for being able to do this much, the commander thanks him. Yes, although you will need to know how to use them. You will need to touch the sealing mark with the tags to activate them. A sealing mark is referring to a mark that signifies where the demon is sealed within him. There are only three places a sealed mark could be. The stomach, the heart or the head. Use them wisely because we will not meet again. Part of the reason I even agreed to come is to see how those two have grown. It's a shame I couldn't see Sama but maybe one day. Before you go I have gifts for Ichiro and Sama and while unplanned for I have a gift for you as well Sumi. For you Ichiro extend your hand. It's a shame you lost your right arm but hopefully this will make up for that. He touches Ichiro's hand and soon after a strange mark appeared on his hand. He whispers into Ichiro's ear. I see, he said in response. I hope it fits you well, Kurai said. For Sama I have a katana, he pulls the blade out of a seal. It's called the storm blade, if she is anything like her mother then she will find this useful. And for you Sumi I have a scroll, he pulls it out of a seal as well. This details an ancient water art. I can tell you use water magic, your eyes give it away. Anyways I appreciate seeing you all here. I wish I could have seen Sama but in any case I enjoyed this. I and you must be on our ways so goodbye. They both go in opposite directions, heading to their respective homes.
  A little fun fact about Kurai. He is so good at seals that he can retrieve items from within them even if he didn't seal them away in the seal. He's that good to be able to retrieve items from seals that were locked away possibly centuries before he was born
  The next day they spent in preparation for the upcoming battle. Sama will not be able to join the fight. So that means it is Asahi, Ichiro and Sumi going to confront Naku. And they know anyone else would get in the way so there will be no additional troops brought to the battle. Asahi prepares by pondering the upcoming battle and how it will go. Sumi and Ichiro are training together in preparation. But will it make a difference in the end? That will be decided by the victor. They have the numbers advantage but their opponent has the power advantage. The only thing that is certain is it will be some fight

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