Chapter one

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  A clear sky, it has been so long since I have seen one that I had almost forgotten the sight. And even the one I see now is only a crack in the sky where the clouds part. Most of the sky is still hidden by clouds. It has been that way since the war had begun. This war is the only one I ever knew as I am not old enough to have any others. But when I was little I used to be told great stories about epic battles and horrific monsters in war time. Those stories really don't give any light to what real war is like except for the dark clouds that hang in the sky. No matter what the story, it is always described to have the same dark clouds in the sky. When I first heard the stories I thought it was only there to add to the theme but no it is true. And it leaves me wondering why is the sky is so dark during times of war. Maybe it is because of all the smoke and fire used in the battles or perhaps it is just the gods weeping at the sight. Whatever the reason it doesn't matter, all that does matter is survival. I survived for this long and I am not able to quit. There is a city not too far from here and I can take refuge in it. Although the path can be treacherous as thieves and other like minded folk like to take advantage of the city's appeal and attack anyone who tries to take refuge. I am capable of handling any of those but soldiers looking to steal supplies could be a problem so I need to be careful. My best bet is to wait for rainfall as it would make explosives and other ambush weapons pointless. And mage's are a valuable resource they wouldn't waste on petty thievery. A mage expends most of their mana in a fight and takes days to recharge so they wouldn't waste a mages mana so recklessly. Although the rain is a force of nature that bends to no one's will, whatever advantage I stand to gain will be balanced by an equal disadvantage. And knowing my luck I hope for a little rain and I'll get a typhoon. And that is likely as the weather aside from the darkened sky has been clear for weeks, which means the next storm will be one hell of one. Well I can't wait for the next one so whatever comes I will have to use it or I will die. Come to think of it, it was on a rainy day that it all happened. Hey babydoll, what is a fine thing like you doing in a nasty place like this. Oh no it's Zorin and his gang of no goods. What a pain, why do they need always to come when it is most bothersome. Why don't you entertain us a bit, doll. And why don't the four of you go jump into a ditch? It may help with your looks and your stench. Sigh, it doesn't always have to be this way, sumi. Apparently it does. The four men surround her. She pulls out her staff something she acquired towards the beginning of the war in an annihilated battle Field. Two of the men charge, one to her right and the other to her left. She knocks the first one with a downwards thrust simultaneously hitting the other one with an upwards thrust. She continues knocking them around, her skills aren't bad but they are only self taught. Which means she could never hold her own against someone strong and she can not unleash the full power of her weapon. But against chumps like this she will have no problem. Only a few minutes of fighting and she has them all on the ground. Damn you little girl. Sigh, you can call me a little girl but you just got your asses handed to you by this little girl. Why don't you try fighting bare handed? It's not so easy. This isn't about honor, it is about survival. Their conversation is interrupted by explosions all around them. And they were quickly lost within the chaos. But standing above them on a dirt mound is a man cladded in a dark cloak. Behind him stood a group of thirty men wearing the same although their holds were up so their faces were hidden. But the there presumable leader had his down. He had brown hair with black eyes and a faded scar covered one. And his hand raised gesturing he launched the attack. He spoke in a deep and knightly voice, scrap em.

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