chapter four

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It took an entire month but she had finally recovered from her injuries for the most part. And she was allowed to see the commander. She was happy to be out of bed and on her feet, although she would still have to be careful as a cracked sword is easily broken. Breaking the silence of the room Haru entered. Now that you have recovered enough you can now see him. The commander is waiting in the throne room, I will take you there. Wait a throne room, does that mean we are in a castle, sumi asked in confusion. It had never been explained as to exactly where she was. And she didn't know enough about the city to make a guess, but now things are more clear. She followed Haru to the supposed throne room. It was exactly as one could imagine, made of stone bricks and flags hanging on the walls. Tables and chairs here and there and at the center back of the room across from the door, the throne sat. However sumi was more interested in who was on said throne. She was expecting a kingly fellow with blond hair and a beard wearing armor but she was surprised at what he truly looked like. A man who looked to be in his thirties, he had black short hair with no facial hair to speak of. He wore no armor but instead a black martial arts outfit. His eyes were the same as his hair and his skin had no battle scars. Just from a glance it would be hard to tell he had ever fought at all, but he had this intimidating aura to him. Sumi had grown nervous at feeling it. He spoke in a somewhat deep calming voice. My name is Asahi and I am the commander of the Muteki army. I have been waiting to meet you. To my right is my son Ichiro and to my left is my daughter Sama. They are some of the strongest warriors we have. And this brings me to why I brought you here. Sumi, I want you to join us in our fight to end this war.
  She was excited to hear this as it means she will not only be able to make a difference in the war, but also gain the strength to do so. Asahi continued to speak, going on to explain exactly what she was in for. You will be trained by my daughter and once that is done you will join her on the battlefield as a team. The training will be tough but I have no doubts you will be able to complete it. I am aware your combat skills are already sharp so there's not much to work on there. However, you have no skills of magic yet. And magic will be critical in making you stronger.  But before you get started on your training I am sure you have questions. So now is your chance to ask them. Sumi wanted to get started with training Immediately but she did have a few questions so she thought to ask them first. I don't know much about magic other than the fact it exists, will that hinder my ability to use it. No, Sama will educate you in magic. Ok, but you said my physical abilities needed a little work right. Don't worry all will be made clear in your training. Now if those were all you had to ask then you can now begin your training. Yes let's get right into it, sumi said this excited for the concept of getting stronger. However she was unaware of just how tough it would be. But then again ignorance truly is bliss. It will be tough from now on but to get stronger Sumi will endure and come out of the brutal training anew.

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