003 | Grimes

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Chapter Three

(season one, episode three)


IT HAD ONLY been a couple hours since the C.B. last crackled, and I hadn't heard much since cause I been asleep in my cot. I didn't wanna think about Levi and the group in Atlanta earlier so I just slept to forget about it, it helps sometimes, I guess.

I exit my tent, my eyes re-adjusting to the brightness outside, as I watch what's going on around me. I see the Morales kids arguing over a stick they'd found and their mother scolding the boy, I see Jim sitting around with the tin can traps, and I see Carl sat infront of Lori getting a haircut and I head over that way, rubbing my eyes free of sleep.

"Baby, the more you fidget, the longer it takes, so don't, okay?" Lori says to Carl as he sits impatiently infront of her with her flannel draped over his shoulders.
"I'm trying." He replies.
"Well, try harder." Lori snipped, literally and figuratively i'd heard Levi call it, not losing any focus on his hair. My hair's getting pretty long too, so was Levi's before...

Shane looks up from the gun he's cleaning across from them, "If you think this is bad, wait til you start shavin'. That stings. That day comes, you'll be wishin' for one of your mama's haircuts."

I sit down quietly in the dirt next to Shane on his chair, I'd feel real awkward if I sat in the middle and I didn't wanna ruin Carl's hair by sitting next to Lori and accidentally knocking her.

"I'll believe that when I see it." Carl says, awkwardly trying to dodge his mom's hand with the scissors.

"I'll tell you what... you just get through this with some manly dignity," he looks over towards the right, glimpsing me sat down next to him before looking away, "and tomorrow i'll teach you something special. You too, Fran, if you want. You feelin' any better?"

I glance up at him before looking back down at the dirt with a shrug, "I guess." I wasn't really, not at all, if anything I feel much worse that earlier today, but it's just easier to say what people wanna hear so it keeps them quiet.

"I will teach you two to catch frogs. You like frogs, Fran?" Shane says before returning to messing with the gun in his lap. I wish I could shoot, it'd be pretty useful, more useful than tying that stupid knot. Levi can shoot real well, his friend's dad's a farmer and he showed Levi how to shoot a shotgun, without actually firing though, y'know cause there was still the law back then.

I do wonder if they're all still alive, his friend's twin had blonde hair just like him and she really liked me apparently, Levi said. But I can't remember her name, Betty, I think, but it's probably wrong. They had an older sister and an older brother too, but he was real annoying.

Carl pipes up from infront of Lori, "I've caught a frog before."

"I said frogs, plural." Shane says, "and it is an art, my friend. It is not to be taken lightly. There are ways and means, few people know about it. I'm willing to share my secrets."

Carl turns around to face Lori, but is quickly turned back to face Shane and I, "Oh, i'm a girl. You talk to him."

He chuckles, "It's a one-time offer, bud... not to be repeated."

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