Rotten apple

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I stood on my porch while Greta held Cosmo hostage. "Can you release Cosmo?"

"I will once you explain why you slept with my brother and kicked him to the curb," Greta said.

"I wasn't thinking clearly. I blame the magic stick." I bobbed my head, sticking to my story.

"Don't blame the magic stick since you chose to toke on it. Did Hans put a gun to your head and order you to smoke it?"

"Does Hans even own a gun?"

"What do you think?" Greta cocked her head and rolled her eyes.

Annoyance filled my face. "Can you put Cosmo down before we talk?"

"Fine." Greta set Cosmo on the ground before folding her arms. "Talk."

Cosmo plopped his furry butt on the ground beside Greta's feet. Traitor.

"Why would you sleep with Hans?"

"I wasn't thinking clearly. Does it worry you because he's your brother?"

"Hell, no, it's not because he's my brother! It's Hans!" Greta flung her arms out to the sides. "You need to smoke a lot of magic sticks to want to sleep with him!"

I scrunched my nose. "Is that any way to talk about your brother? Shouldn't you defend his honor?"

"Hans has no honor when it comes to sleeping with people." Greta put her hand up to me.

"Ladies, put your claws away before I unleash my inner beast. Arguing about Sherry's lack of judgment is getting you nowhere," Dante said.

"Fine," Greta huffed.

Dante looked at me. "Do you even like Hans?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Because the magic stick only reveals your true desires when you smoke it."

"But I've never smoked it before Hans offered it to me."

"Then that should tell you something."

"Like what?"

"Maybe you like Hans but refuse to admit it. Think about it. Have you dated anyone after your ex?"

"Not really. I focused on my career after I discovered what Arthur had planned. He left a sour taste in my mouth." I screwed up my face in disgust.

"Did Hans want to destroy your animals for greedy purposes?"

"No, Hans helped me."

Dante arched his brow as realization hit me.

I closed my eyes and cursed to myself before opening them. "I screwed up, didn't I?"

"Big time. But I'm sure Hans would forgive you if you gave him a peace offering." Dante smirked.

I pursed my lips and decided to buy Hans an apology gift. One that he would enjoy.


I lit up and toked on the magic stick while reflecting on things. It's always good to reflect on your life from time to time. It helps clear the cobwebs.

I couldn't figure out Sherry's deal. I get she wants to rescue the woodland creatures. But I wanted to help them. They were cute and cuddly in their terrifying way, even if they could eat you. Better them than a douche who liked to cook children.

Greta and I escaped that dingleberry with the grace of god. Who the hell eats children? Grocery stores sell animal meat if you're a meat lover. Buy a pack of beef and make a nice stew. Add some veggies to it, and you have a hearty meal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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