The woodland creatures

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"Do you always eavesdrop on a private conversation?" Sherry asked me.

"Shouldn't a private conversation happen behind close doors and not in the wide open?" I arched my brow.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm communing with nature and escaping my sister. Something's going on with her."

"Greta doesn't strike me as doing things out of the ordinary."

"Greta hit on me."

Sherry cocked her head and scrunched her face.

"I'm a lot of things, but I'm not into sisterly love, if you catch my drift."

"You don't strike me as someone who's much into anything but flying high."

"I beg your pardon, but I'm into many things."


I walked over and plopped my ass next to the trash panda. "Hey, trash panda! What's happening, little dude?"

The trash panda raised his paw to me and clawed at the air.

I grabbed his paw and high-fived him with my finger. "Right on, little dude."

Then the trash panda crawled into my lap, flipped on his back, and exposed his belly. I rubbed his stomach as he extended his arms outward.

"What are you doing?" Sherry asked me.

"I'm running trash panda's belly, belly, belly."


"Because the little dude wanted his belly rubbed. See, he enjoys it." I pointed at the trash panda with its eyes closed.

Sherry gave me a weird look.

While I rubbed the trash panda's belly, six ducks waddled by, quacking. I noticed it was one female and five males. "Whoa, you got a hoe duck."

Sherry cocked her head. "What's a hoe duck?"

"Well, it's one female and five males. It makes her a hoe. You know, a hoe duck."

Sherry scrunched her face as I shrugged. The female duck quacked as the five males followed her. That's what I'm talking about, sista. You go on with your bad self with your harem.

Two chipmunks raced by us.

"Aw, look, Chip and Dale are playing tag."

Sherry stared at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I quirked a brow.

"I'm trying to figure you out."


"You make no sense."

"What do you mean?"

"You're a stoner. Why would you care about wildlife?"

"Just because I enjoy the magical plant that Mother Nature provides doesn't mean I don't care about her critters. People assume because you enjoy the magic stick, you lack ambition or don't care about important things. Au contraire, they're wrong. We care more."

"How so?"

"Think about it. I prefer the magical herb au natural. If people destroy the land, they destroy Mother Nature's natural gift. Then the woodland creatures lose their homes to some overpriced structure that no one can afford. All for what? To make money. What happens when you have no trees? You have nothing to print money on. Duh." I rolled my eyes.

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