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The chapter has adult language and high adult/Sexual content. that is not suitable for certain age group. if you are not comfortable, feel free to skip it. Recommended for 18+. Read on your risk.


That piece of monkey was more pain in my ass than Akshat. We were both staring at each other with equal intensity. Why does Kashish love to cuddle with him all night? I should be in her arms. "Disconnect yourself from her or I'll have to disconnect you from world"

I've never imagined myself, warning a soft toy. Am I really losing my sanity? "You can't even hug her" he was laughing at me. I almost strangled him but her yelled voice boomed into my ears. "Ranvijay!!" I spun toward her, only to get hit on my face. It was pillow.

Before I could gather my wits, she hit me with next. "Why do you always do that?" she was standing hardly five feet away from me while clenching third pillow in her hands. "What did I do?" I hided my gun behind my back.

"You are threatening my Jojo" she took big steps towards the bed and embraced that shitty toy. I can't even picture what its real color was. It was so old and gray as well. "Aww, baby don't be scared" she was comforting him, giving him chance to laugh at me.

It is better to shoot myself before seeing these stupid things. "Don't touch him again or I'll kill you, major" she warned me. Is she really loves me because I have doubts? We were sleeping with each other but we had distance between us and the reason was that piece of shit.

"I will kill him one day. Mark my words"

"Don't do this, bhai" I sipped my coffee, leaned back in my chair. I'd waited for the right moment to make my move. Akash was terrified of the aftermath but I am ready for that. Ready to destroy Brigadier Digvijay Karmarkar.

"Re-open the case, DCP Akash Karmarkar" I almost pictured him ragging his hair with lazy tug. He always did that when he couldn't make decision. For twenty-one years, I only pursued two things that consumed me. Revenge! Peace!

Your biggest dream Peace

They were my only thoughts—my dream and nightmare. I wanted to punish the man who had destroyed my childhood and killed my maa. I have proof against my father that could easily prove his crime. Like I said, I will destroy him slowly but completely.

I was out of town for week because I was making my father way to bars. I spared the details from Kashish. I know maa I'm late for justice but have faith in your son. I will make him regret his life. "Prepare the necessities and issue arrest warrant" he sighed over the call.

"I already gave you enough proof's" I puffed on my cigarette. "Bhai, think about it twice. You can lose your father" despite the toughest DCP of Maharashtra, his voice fibbed.

"In order to loose, I supposed to have father at least" I'd lost him on the day when I'd lost my mother. Digvijay Karmarkar was everything but my father. The door to my office opened, and captain Ishaan poked his head in. "Sir, you have visitor"

"Send him" Ishaan fled out while I hung up the call. A man in a gray t-shirt tucked into beige pants with brown jacket entered my cabin. I pulled my chair, stood up and held out my hand. "Hi major" he greeted with smile.

"Please have a seat" I took my seat while he settled on the chair in front of me. He was ex-SF and my old colleague. Due to personal issues, he'd left SF and now he'd working for detective agency earlier he was working as bodyguard.

I hired him to take care of that Italian cologne guy. Yes. I haven't forgotten about him. After all, he has an urge to kiss and cage my wife. How can I spare him? "You called me last week but I was busy. Figured you've something for me"

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