Amy's Eventful First Day

Start from the beginning

Lily looks worried at hearing the news "They've been at this for three months and the police still haven't caught them?" Aaron sighs "From what I heard by the time police arrive, most of the time they're gone and the detectives aren't able to find a trace of them. At this rate, it feels like those criminals are never gonna be caught." Nate looks at the TV as it shows a photo of one of the masked robbers with a hissing purple snake tattoo on his arm. "Anyway, you better get going, Nate. You wouldn't want to be late for school." Nate snaps out of his focus and realizes his Mom is right. Nate quickly finished his food. "I'm off to school love ya bye!" 

Nate runs outside and rushes to Amy's house. He knocks on the door and a couple of minutes later, Amy steps out the door ready for school. "You ready?" Amy smiles at the question and nods "Yep we're all set and ready to go. Right Blizzaria?" Blizzaria flies next to Amy and gives a thumbs-up "You know it." 

Another of the many changes that happened over the week is that Blizzaria started living with Amy. Over the week, Amy and Blizzaria started to bond a lot especially since Amy would tell stories of Jibanyan when he was Rudy. When Blizzaria talked about when she first met Jibanyan and how he was good company since she would sometimes get lonely by herself, Amy offered to let Blizzaria live with her. It took some convincing but Blizzaria soon agreed and has been enjoying living with Amy ever since.

Amy then motions for Nate to lead the way, and he does so. Amy can't wait to start her first day at her new school.

Springdale Middle School-Class 5-2

Amy was told to see the principal before going to class so Nate went to his classroom. Nate sat at his desk waiting for class to start when Mr. Johnson entered the room "OK class I have an announcement to make. Today we have a new student joining us today. Please be nice to her." This got everyone's, especially Nate's, attention as Amy walked into the classroom. "Hello everyone, I'm Amy and I hope we can be friends." She looks around at her classmates, spots Nate, and smiles at him. "Nate! I didn't think you were in this class!" Nate smiled back at her. "Yeah, that's pretty lucky."

Mr.Johnson looks surprised to see they know one another "Oh, you know Nate, Amy?" Amy nods at her new teacher "Yeah I moved in next door to him last week and we've been fast friends since." Mr.Johnson smiles "Well in that case maybe it would be best for you to be next to Nate as you seem to be familiar with each other. You don't mind do you, Shelly?" The teacher asks Nate's deskmate, Shelly, who shakes her head since she doesn't mind switching seats. After a little seat rearranging, Amy sat down next to Nate, and the two fist-bumped.

With that out of the way, Mr. Johnson begins the lesson. Whisper floats next to Nate "Well this is quite the lucky coincidence. Now that Amy is here not only will it be nice to have a new human who can see us, but with Amy's Yo-Kai Watch she can help Nate if any yo-kai appear." Amy nods and whispers to Nate "He's right, I'm sure that the five of us together will make the best team." Jibanyan and Blizzaria nod their heads in agreement. Nate smiles at her before looking at the board 'With Amy and Blizzaria here it'll make dealing with yo-kai a lot easier.'


After some time, recess had begun. Nate's friends Katie, Bear, and Eddie walked up to him and Amy. "So Nate, you gonna introduce us to your new friend?" Nate smiled as he was planning on doing this anyway. "Oh right, Amy I'd like you to meet my friends Katie, Bear, and Eddie. Guys, this is Amy, she moved in next door to my house and we became friends after meeting each other." The four aforementioned teens greeted one another.

Amy then gains a mischievous look on her face "So since all of you are Nate's friends got any interesting stories about him? I would love to hear all about them." Nate begins to get nervous as Bear and Eddie try to think of something. After a while, they give up "Yeah sorry I can't think of anything cause...Nate's kinda boring." Nate slightly winces for a second but it goes back to normal since he is kinda used to it at this point. Amy's face looks surprised both at the fact that Nate's friend called him boring and that he said it so bluntly in front of him. Katie scratches her cheek "Yeah Nate is kinda average."

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