Chapter 34

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The above image is Jeevanta (Reyansh and Meera's grandmother).


Meera's anxiety mounted with each passing moment; the weight of responsibility heavy on her shoulders. Two hours had slipped by since Kiara and the maid had ventured into the depths of the castle. Meera paced the room, her prayers whispered urgently into the silence, hoping for their safe return.

"Rajkumari sa," a maid entered, breaking the tense atmosphere. "The king is calling everyone for the royal dinner. Can you please inform Bai sa to get ready and come along with you?"

Meera's eyes darted nervously around the empty room, her mind racing with worry. Outside the window, the sun had fully set, casting the world into shadow while the moon's gentle glow bathed the landscape in a soft, eerie light.

Meera's anxiety grew with each passing moment, her mind consumed by worry for Kiara's safety. She forced herself to focus on the task at hand, trying to maintain a facade of composure despite the turmoil within.

"We will reach in a while," she replied to the maid, her voice betraying none of her inner turmoil. The maid nodded and left the room, leaving Meera alone with her thoughts.

The absence of the girls weighed heavily on her, and she couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom that gnawed at her insides. The sudden announcement of the royal dinner only added to her unease, leaving her feeling unsettled and out of the loop.

Meera paced the room restlessly, her heart racing as she prayed fervently for Kiara's swift return. She couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that hung in the air, fearing the worst while desperately hoping for the best.

Meera's anxiety grew with each passing moment, her mind consumed by worry for Kiara's safety. She forced herself to focus on the task at hand, trying to maintain a facade of composure despite the turmoil within.

"We will reach in a while," she replied to the maid, her voice betraying none of her inner turmoil. The maid nodded and left the room, leaving Meera alone with her thoughts.

The absence of the girls weighed heavily on her, and she couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom that gnawed at her insides. The sudden announcement of the royal dinner only added to her unease, leaving her feeling unsettled and out of the loop.

Meera paced the room restlessly, her heart racing as she prayed fervently for Kiara's swift return. She couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that hung in the air, fearing the worst while desperately hoping for the best.

As Kiara carefully navigated her way out of the cell, her mind raced with urgency. She couldn't afford any delays. But her progress was hindered by the cumbersome veil that seemed determined to impede her every step.

With each careful movement, Kiara felt the weight of the fabric pulling her back, slowing her down. She strained against it, her determination driving her forward even as her patience waned.

Then, without warning, disaster struck. Kiara's foot caught on an unseen obstacle, sending her tumbling to the ground with a resounding crash. Pain shot through her ankle, sharp and insistent, as she clutched at it in agony.

The maid rushed to her side; her hands gentle but urgent as she tried to help Kiara to her feet. But the pain was too much to bear, and Kiara remained grounded, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to hold back tears of frustration and pain.

As Kiara lay on the ground, a wave of frustration washed over her. She couldn't afford to be sidelined by something as trivial as a sprained ankle, not when so much was at stake. But the pain was relentless, gnawing at her resolve with each passing moment.

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