Book 1 || Chapter Five || Mars Ain't the Kind of Place to Raise Your Kids

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James didn't know what was going on - he must be going insane. First all the moons and planets and even the Sun were talking and they wouldn't shut up. Now all the planets, the Sun, and Earth's moon are not responding to anything - they were just balls of rocks and gas floating in space. He really didn't know how to react, and now Mars's moons, Phobos and Deimos, were freaking out. It was getting annoying; He could feel a headache coming on.

A persistent ringing shook him out of his thoughts. Pulling out his phone, he looked at the caller ID, upon seeing it was his wife, he let out a sigh of relief. He assumed that this was about the children she took in during his absence.

"Hey, honey."

"Hey dear. How are you?"

"I'm good. The kids want to meet you."

"Really? Put them on the line, I'd love to meet them."

"Alright, I'll put Luna on the phone. I need to go get Terra from their room."

A rustling can be heard over the phone.

"Uh... Hi..?" A very familiar voice said over the phone.

"You're....Luna? Earth's moon?"


"How'd you become human? Are the others with you? Wait- Marie said she took in two children. Who is with you? Do you know where the others are?"

"It's just me and Earth here... Wait- THE OTHERS ARE ON EARTH TOO?!"

"Well, I'm not sure, but they're in the same state as you and Earth..."

"Well-" Luna started before pausing.

"Hold on, Mrs. Solar wants me to put the phone on speaker." Luna pauses, presumably turning the phone on speaker as he said he would. "Okay, it's on speaker now."

"We'll, uh. Hey everyone!"

"Astrodude...? Is that you?" Another familiar voice asked.

"Hello, Earth."

"Babe? What's going on? Why are they calling you Astrodude?"

James let out a loud groan. "This will be a long explanation. You might want to sit down." And with that, he started a long explanation of his experiences in space, Luna and Earth jumping in when their input is needed.

// 1 Hour Later //

The family sat there silently, the mother and youngest child processing the new information.

"That's.... a lot to take in.."

"Mhm... I understand if you want us to leave now-"

"Terra- Earth?- You can stay. I won't kick you out just because you're not originally human. Physically, you're a child, and I won't let a child be on the streets." Marie said, making James smile; his wife was so sweet.

"Thank you, Mrs. Solar."

"There's no need to thank me, Luna."

"But there is! I don't know how Earth would handle being kicked out- especially if we got separated because of that! He'd probably try to kill himself like he did when Venus and Mars stop talking to hi-" Luna rambled, taking a sharp gasp when he realized what he said, "I'm so sorry, Earth! I didn't mean too-"

All James could hear after that was static, realizing the implications of that.

("Hey, hey, Luna, it's okay! I'm not mad! They'd figure it out soon enough!"


"Is that why we were heading onto the Sun a few months ago?"

"I'm sorry! I was just-"

"Terra you don't need to apologize!")

"You what?" Was James could say when he returned to his senses.

"I'm sorry!" Earth repeated, "I wasn't thinking right! It was just- Everything was just too much! It hurt! I'm sorry!"

"Hey! Hey, it's- Well it's not okay, but- ugh, I'm not good with words. Look, what you did was reckless and stupid, but I'm not mad at you. I know humans have not been treating you right. We've been harming you for centuries, and we've been toxic. I'm sorry for the way we've been treating you."

"It's okay! There's no need to apologize! I'm your planet. You just need to focus on living!"

"Earth! It's not okay!" Luna cried, "You- you're in constant pain and-"

"Shhh... Luna, it's okay! Look, I'm not in pain right now, see!"

"Oh, Terra..."

"I'm fine Mo- Mrs. Solar. Can we not talk about this?"

"Alright... This has been one crazy phone call.."

"That's for sure." The man concurred with his wife, "Hey, isn't it pretty late down there?"

"Yeah," the woman dryly chuckled as Luna and Earth yawned, "Let's get you two to sleep. We will discuss this tomorrow. You're still children, at least physically, and children need their sleep. Bye, honey."

"Bye." The man said, ending the call. After which, he went to his bed, deciding to try and sleep. This was not what he expected when he got a call from his wife.

Ugh, this will make things so much more complicated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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