Chapter 9 (Shorter Chapter)

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Nikki, Spencer & Athena's Apartment, Herrmann Family Residence, Chicago Illinois 

Everyone made their way home before sunset, The BAU ended up flying back to Virginia for a case. Spencer and Nikki sat on the couch in the newly renovated apartment watching the princess bride. Athena was sleeping in her bassinet in her room with the door open so they could hear her if she cried for them. 

"We'll get through this together," Spencer said softly looking at Nikki thinking about what she told Annabelle. "i know... but it doesn't make it less terrifying," she replied softly looking towards Athena's room. "Do you wanna talk about what's scaring you?" Spencer asked causing Nikki to look at him before shrugging unsure. "all of it, and..." Nikki let out a sigh trying to find the right words before she just shook her head. "nothing," she replied softly. 

Nikki pushed herself off the couch and made her way over to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. Spencer trailed behind her, "please don't shut me out," Spencer said softly causing Nikki to pause and look at him.  "please, I-i just want to help," he added softly. Nikki let out a shaky breath and nodded. "I don't know how to explain it but... I'd do anything for Athena, anything." Nikki said earning a nod from Spencer. 

"And yet at the same time, I feel..." Nikki paused trying to find the words "almost emotionally disconnected? If that makes any sense?" Nikki asked as she felt tears well up in her eyes again. Spencer nodded slowly, "How long have you been feeling like this?" he asked her softly. His question caused her to start crying, Nikki tried to wipe away the tears but more continued to fall again. "since Athena was born," Nikki said through tears as Spencer pulled her into a hug. 

He knew the way Nikki was feeling could potentially be a symptom of postpartum depression. PPD is a severe mental health issue and can manifest as feeling disconnected from your baby, feelings of intense sadness, or feeling incompetent as a mother. Other symptoms can include: Feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, guilty or angry. It's also treatable with and without medications. 

Spencer softly placed a kiss on her forehead still holding Nikki while she cried. "I'm gonna help you any way that I can okay? We'll get through this together," he said reassuring her as Nikki sniffled and nodded. The two made their way over to the couch and cuddled up under a blanket watching the movie until Nikki calmed down enough to fall asleep. Spencer smiled at her when he noticed she fell asleep on him. 

Carefully Spencer picked up Nikki and carried her to their room and tucked her into bed before going to check on Athena. Spencer made his way back into their room and curled up next to Nikki in bed for the first time in months. 

2 Weeks Later...

Nikki, Spencer & Athena's Apartment, Herrmann Family Residence, Chicago Illinois

Nikki and Athena spent the morning at med for follow up appointments for Athena and making sure she was healthy and growing. Spencer had suggested maybe talking to someone about how she's been feeling after having Athena and she was against it at first but ultimately knew it was what was best not only for herself but also for their daughter. Nikki ended up seeing someone from Med, Dr. Reese, and their sessions were going well so far. 

Spencer went back to Virginia with Derek to pack his house and have it all moved here on a moving truck. They left 3 days ago, Spencer promised he would pack everything as fast as he could so he could be home soon. Savannah and Hank stopped by over the last couple of days to check in on Nikki and Athena. 

She really hit it off with Savannah, she's working as an E.D. doctor at Chicago Med, so she'd stop in and bring her coffee when she'd stop by for sessions with Dr. Reese. "How are you feeling?" Savannah asked Nikki while Hank and Athena were both napping. "Good, How about you?" Nikki asked as her phone rang from her pocket. She fished the device out of her pocket noticing Spencer was calling her. 

Nikki smiled as she accepted the call, "Hey Spence, how's the packing going?" Nikki asked answering the call. "Hey darling, we just finished packing the house and loading the moving truck. We're on our way back to Chicago. We should be there by quarter to 7 tomorrow morning if traffic is good." Spencer replied. "That's awesome, we'll see you soon, drive safe please; and I love you," Nikki said. "We'll see you soon, we'll be careful and I love you too. Kiss Athena's head for me and tell her I'll be home soon," Spencer replied.

They ended the call and Nikki smiled at Savannah, "The boys just finished packing the truck and they are on their way back. They should be back in Chicago around 7 am," Nikki said with a massive smile earning a smile from Savannah. 

Near Washington DC

Derek drove the moving truck while Spencer sat in the passenger street as they passed the last off ramp into Washington. "So have you given the proposal more thought Boy wonder?" Derek asked pulling his attention from looking out the side window. "I have actually, and I've almost got it perfectly planned out," Spencer replied earning a smile from Derek. 

"Look at you go, if you need a hand with anything. Let me know," Derek added. "I appreciate that, there might be something you could help me with," Spencer replied. "Done, Name it," Derek replied. 


Hey everyone I hope you liked chapter 9 even though it was a shorter Chapter. Thank you all for your love and support on this series! I'm hoping to have Chapter 10 posted before next weekend. (May 11th & 12th, 2024)  However, keep in mind my weekdays are hectic and don't leave much time for writing which is why chapter updates have been slower than usual. 


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