Chapter 7

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Nikki sat in the hospital bed talking to Mouse and Jay while Spencer stepped into the hall to go check on Athena and bring her back along with JJ, Penelope, and Emily. "So rumor has it your gonna be sticking around Chicago after they release you," Jay said causing Nikki to laugh. "Wow, I forgot how fast word gets around here sometimes," Nikki replied. "So it's true?" Jay asked noticing she didn't deny it. 

"It's been mentioned that I kinda wanna settle here," Nikki replied as Spencer returned into the room holding Athena in his arms followed by Emily, JJ, and Penelope. "Oh thank god your okay," Penelope sighed in relief when she saw Nikki awake. It didn't take long for Cindy to return to the hospital after Nikki nearly bled out. Cindy walked into the hospital room with a paper bag that smelled amazing "So Spencer called and filled me in on what Dr. Halstead said and I figured I'd bring you some beef and bacon mac and cheese, and don't tell your dad but I put extra beef and bacon in there for you," her mom said pulling the reusable container out of the bag and handed the container to Spencer. "I can hold Athena for you so you can eat," her mom offered. 

Nikki softly kissed Athena's head and gently passed her to her mom and Spencer handed her the container of food he opened along with a fork. "Thank you, Mom," Nikki said happily as she started eating the mac and cheese. "mmmm I've missed your cooking so much," Nikki said in between bites. "I'm glad because I'm hoping now that you're coming home we can have dinner altogether a couple of times a week?" her mom asked looking at Nikki. 

"Yeah, I'd love that," Nikki replied smiling at the thought of sitting down all together having dinner with her family, Spencer and their daughter Athena. 

4 Days Later...

Nikki, Spencer & Athena's Apartment, Chicago Illinois 

Chicago Med ended up releasing Nikki a few days later, she was gaining weight, and her BMI was getting closer to a healthy number. Nikki didn't care if she gained some weight she was just glad to be healthy enough to get discharged and go home finally with Spencer and Athena. 

Spencer drove Nikki and Athena back to her parent's place in her car that her dad dropped off at Med the day before along with a new car seat Matt and Gabby go them for Athena. Matt and Nikki's dad even installed the car seat in the backseat for them. 

The car pulled to a stop in the driveway behind her parent's mini van, Matt's truck, and next to Kelly's car. Spencer climbed out of the car first getting Nikki's door first and helping her to her feet before pulling the car seat and Athena out of the back seat. "Welcome Home!!" Gabby said excitedly running out of the side entrance of the garage apartment along with Matt, Kelly, and her mom. 

Gabby pulled Nikki into a hug, "You are looking amazing momma," Gabby complimented causing Nikki to laugh. "No I don't but I appreciate the attempt," Nikki replied as she let go of the hug only to end up hugged by Kelly and Matt. "You had us really worried about you," Matt said as he let go of her. "Congratulations," he added with a smile. "Congratulations Mini Herrmann," Kelly said sending her a smile. "You should come see what we've been working on," her mom said as she walked Nikki over to the side of the garage where the stairs were noticing they weren't as steep anymore. "You guys fixed the stairs?" Nikki asked as her mom helped her up the steps that led to a platform and continued up another set of stairs to the left. 

"We didn't need you tripping down those old stairs with Athena," Matt replied as her mom opened the door to the apartment and Nikki was shocked. It didn't even look like her apartment before she left. The kitchen was renovated, there were 2 doors off the small living room and an open kitchen. "So we added 2 rooms, one for Athena and the other for you, and boy wonder. We redid the insulation so it'll be warm in the winter, Matt fixed the central air, and I redid a lot of the plumbing for the kitchen sink especially," Derek said and Nikki instantly went over and turned the tap on noticing it didn't rattle and groan anymore. 

Nikki looked over the space, the bathroom, Athena's room which was perfectly set up with everything from a bassinette to a crib when she'd transition, and change table. Tears started to form in Nikki's eyes, "you guys didn't have to do all this," she said wiping her tears. "Aww, honey. Like we'd let you do this all on your own," her mom replied pulling her into a hug. "You guys are incredible and I don't know what I'd do without you," Nikki told them. 

"That's what family is for sweet heart," her dad replied as he pulled Nikki into a hug. "So this is where everyone's been the last couple of days?" Nikki said more than asked looking at everyone after letting her dad go of the hug. "Pretty much," Gabby replied with a smile. "So what do you think?" Derek asked her about the apartment. "It's amazing, thank you. All of you," Nikki said with a smile. 

"You're dad's going to be starting up the grill in the next hour, we're making steak, chicken and pork skewers, burgers, hotdogs," Her mom said. "Why don't you 3 take a moment to settle in and when you're ready meet us on the back deck," her mom added as Nikki nodded. "Sounds like a good plan to me. Thank you again," she said as everyone cleared out of the apartment leaving her alone with Spencer and Athena who was out of her car seat and in his arms wide awake and looking around. 

Athena let out a happy squeal when she saw Nikki causing her to smile. "Hey my little princess, welcome home," Nikki said softly to Athena who squealed happily again causing both Nikki and Spencer to smile at the adorable sound; that caused her heart to melt. "I love you both so much," Nikki said softly looking at Athen and Spencer who smiled at her. "I love you too and I'm certain Athena loves you too," Spencer replied leaning in and pressing a kiss to Nikki's cheek. 

"Why don't you get ready while I hang out with Athena, if you need any help though just call for me," Spencer suggested as Nikki nodded instantly agreeing. "I'll try to be quick," Nikki said, causing Spencer to shake his head no. "Don't rush yourself, you could slip and hurt yourself. Did you know that 66% of injuries that take place in bathrooms occur when people are either in the tub or the shower? The most common of these injuries stem from 'slips and falls" while either showering or bathing; and they account for more than one-third, about 78,000, of all bathroom injuries in the United States." Spencer told her causing a smile to cross her face at his adorable ramble. "I've missed you so much," Nikki replied with a smile confusing Spencer before she softly kissed his lips and made her way to the bedroom to grab a change of clothes and then take a shower. 


Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed Chapter 7! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. I'm hoping to have Chapter 8 posted by the end of today. Thank you for all the love and support on this series so far <3


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