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Life was as usual, But two years have passed.

Kael and Cale are now seven years old.

"Hey Kael! Get down here right now" Cale had a displeased expression on his face as he said this.

"How about...No? Get up here yourself if you can" Was the response the long-haired red headed kid, Kael, gave to his other red-headed but short haired companion.

"Huhh?? Do you seriously want me to climb that tall tree for no reason other than to pull your ass down here?" A disgruntled expression took over Cale's face while Kael scoffed, laying leisurely on a tree branch that was wide.

"I thought mom had already gave you a scolding for saying swear words, and where did you even learn those from anyway?"

Cale stared at Kael for a long moment with a blank expression, before finally speaking. "I wonder...Anyways, it's not like you're gonna be able to report me or smth since if you do, I will tell her how you went on a curse rant about being awaken earlier a day to learn violin with me"

Kael winced. He really didn't want to get scolded too since even if Jour gives him the leeway most of the time, she still sometimes takes it seriously and chides him.

"Whatever...well, what do you want right now? I thought you'd be busy going crazy somewhere" Cale has grown up to be a little bratty but that's just his personality and temper as a little kid. He's still a good child, just excessively nagging sometimes.

"Going out. I want you to accompany your hyung" Cale said with a rather proud expression for some reason. Even though it was debatable on who was older among the two of them, Cale won't relent being the younger brother as he has vowed to protect Kael with all his might and that's a big brother's responsibility. That's why he's the self-proclaimed hyung now.

"Denied. Rejected without a second thought" Saying so, Kael turned to lay on his other side, facing away from Cale.

"Humph!" Cale pouted childishly and then started climbing the huge tree with ease. He's picked up the sword to train since he was 5 years old now, all because of his devotion to protect and help his dongsaeng Kael and have gathered exceptional strength.

Soon, he reached the branch where Kael was resting and scooted closer to sit near him.

No one spoke for a moment before Kael yawned, stretching his limbs much like a cat or well a fox in this case.

"How the hell are you so full of energy? I don't even wanna walk while you on the other hand run around like a inferno has been set off" This was a question Kael asked often to Cale. He's still always grumpy when anything requires him to move so Cale took it in stride, not even batting an eyelash before pulling Kael, dragging him along as he jumped down from the high tree branch.

Kael yelped, in an undignified way, as he quickly exerted an upward force with his magic and cast a shield just incase around them as they rapidly approached the ground.

In serious thought, neither of them would die falling just like that since both are strong in their own ways but Kael still didn't want a broken bone or two. Worse if Cale gets hurt.

Both children landed gracefully, and Kael didn't waste any time grabbing Cale's ears and scolding him in a stern tone. "You idiot. What if I hadn't cast any magic? You'd be in the physician's ward!"

"But I had full confidence and faith in my dear Dongsaeng to pull that stunt" Even though Cale winced from his ear being pulled, he couldn't help but break out in a toothy grin, Happily accepting the punishment that will surely leave his ear stinging because he knew that just as much as he wants to protect and even give up his life for Kael if necessary, Kael would do anything for him too so a situation like that would be evaded.

Both shares the same feeling for eachother.

Kael scowled, in pretense since he can never stay mad at Cale for long and then sighed, deflating. "You brat, even when you claim you're the older one, ultimately it's me who behaves like a Hyung" 

Cale pouted again, but then relented, smiling. "If you say so, but I still remain in the Hyung position" That's certainly true since Cale atleast know how to take care of himself properly while Kael probably doesn't even know what self-care means.

"Now come on and have Breakfast, only then can we go out" Cale said, pulling Kael in the direction of the Henituse mansion.

"When did I ever agree to that? Humph" This time it was Kael who pouted since he really doesn't like going out unless necessary but let himself be pulled along anyway.

"Because I said so" was Cale's response. On the way to the mansion, Cale then proceeded to ignore every protests that Kael cooked up.

Finally, they arrived at the dining table where Jour and Deruth was already seated and waiting for the children, the servants quickly started serving the food and drinks.

The one who stood out among them to Kael, was ofcourse, Ron.

This cunning Assassin always gave him a benign smile that's scarier than a ghost coming out of a horror movie. He shuddered.

Both Cale and Kael sat in their own seats and turned to face the couple.

"Good morning Papa and Mama!"

"Good morning..."

They both said in unison, getting a chuckle from Deruth and a snicker from Jour.

"Good morning Children"

"Good morning Kids!"

Both parent had warmth in their eyes, Gazing at both Kael and Cale fondly.

They all dug into their food when it was at that moment. The moment Kael dreaded deep inside his chest and felt like being showered in ice.

Lemon Tea.

It was Lemon Tea.

Kael slowly, very slowly raised his head and came face to face with Ron, who was benignly smiling at him and pouring lemon tea into his cup.


Damn this Old man!!






Sooo, I'm back??


Well, If there was an option for the readers to actually beat me up, I'd accept it.

I don't know if I have any excuse as to why I disappeared for two years.

Life did fuck me up pretty bad and I'm about to enter 10th grade, with only around few days at most at the moment before school opens for me again.

I apologise for not being active despite promising to do so, the guilt is eating me up. Hell I didn't even open Wattpad for like months?? Had 99+ notifs and I just don't know what to say at this point. Life would've been at the best tolerable if I didn't have two bossy sisters and three nephews.

Anyways, I still can't promise that the updating of this story will be consistent but, I will try. I again apologize. I'm very, very sorry for not holding up to your expectations.

Have a Good day (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠).

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