Chapter #51

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Chapter #51
May 7th 2022
Melanie’s POV
I heard everything that Scarlett had said to Maya and it made my heart melt. I’ve been staying with them ever since the accident. Scarlett refused to let me stay in a hotel. She hates it when I even book one so I’ve given up even trying. “Knock knock.” I say as I stand in the doorway and knock on the doorframe. “Grandma!!” Maya squeals and makes grabby hands at me so Scarlett and her scoot over so I can sit with them. They got her and Louisa a full size mattress so she could be comfortable but I’m pretty sure they got it so they can cuddle with them. “Hey sweetie. How are you feeling this morning?” I ask. “I’m ok Mama told me the story about how she and Mommy met.” She says. I see Louri smile at Maya. “It’s a good story.” I say running my hand through her hair. “Did you know that I made a bet with your uncle Hunter that your moms would get together?” I say. “You did?” She asks, shocked. “I did. I bet him twenty bucks that they would end up together. Best bet I ever made.” I say with a smile. “I miss Uncle Hwnter.” She says. “I can call him if you want and see if maybe he can come fly from New York to visit. I’m sure he misses you and wants to see you.” Scarlett says. “Yes pwease.” Maya says. “Ok I’ll be right back.” She says. “Maya sweetie I know you hate this but I have to change your bandages. Mel, can you hold the little man?” Louri says. “Of course hand him over.” I tell her.
Louri’s POV
I hand Thomas to  Melanie and head to Scarlett and I’s room to get the supplies I need. Just as I walk in she is ending her call with Hunter telling him she’ll pick him up at the airport before hanging up. She sees what I am grabbing and gives me a small smile. “I’ll do it.” She says. “Scarlett you nearly threw up just seeing me injured you hated it that much.” I tell her. “At least let me help she’s our daughter which means you don’t have to do this alone. Let me take some of the weight off your shoulders.” She says. “Ok but if it gets too much for you I won’t blame you.” I tell her.
We get back to Maya’s room and I have everything I need to change her bandages. This time I don’t feel like I am going to break. Maya lets me put on the antiseptic cream without a fuss and doesn’t show any sign of pain or discomfort. I guess not doing this alone does help. “All done.” I say and place a kiss on her bandage and Scarlett does the same. “Can we watch Frwzen?” Maya asks and of course I say we say yes so we carefully move her to Scarlett and I’s bed since there is no TV in the kids rooms. Halfway through the movie Maya is asleep curled into Scarlett’s side. Mel goes to pick up Devon and Louisa so it’s just Scarlett, Maya, Thomas, and I. “You know you were right helping me with Maya’s bandages did make it a little easier.” I say. “I’m glad I could help you both. I just wish we didn’t have to.” She says. “I know Baby neither do I. But Maya doesn’t let this get her down. She’s still her bubbly self.” I tell her. “That she is. She’s strong like her Mama.” She says. “She gets her brains from you though.” I say. “She gets that from both of us.” She says. “I know I won’t win this one so I will just agree with you.” I chuckle. “Wise decision.” She laughs

Cute. Anygays see you in the next one.

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