Chapter 1

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Live your life to the best of your abilities, love everything around you, be positive and count your blessings everyday.

That's what I kept saying to myself everyday when all I wanted to do was give up on everything and rest .Sometimes I don't want to be this strong anymore. For once I want to ask people for favours unabashedly .However, I also know that isn't possible in the life I was born into. Daydreaming into oblivion yields you nothing but cold splashes of reality every now and then. Being acquainted with my "reality' is not something I want to do right now when I have a long day waiting ahead. As soon as the thought came to my mind ,I rushed to check the time on my phone. Shit!!It is 9 am and am still rotting in bed.

You should understand that you don't have the luxury of doing this Annika! I thought to myself as I rushed to get dressed . Today is the day that I have to be there the most for my elder brother, Ansh Saxena. The biggest support system that life has blessed me with. Whenever, I make an attempt to count my blessings(which gets over quite soon by the way) he always tops the list. He is one of the reasons why I never give up along with two of our younger sisters, Divya and Unnati. Both of them are the brightest rays of sunshine and they look at me and Ansh bhai as if we have hung the moon. Just as that all the trouble that they put us through becomes long forgotten. When dad passed away, I remember promising myself that I will never let Divya and Unnati become hostage to things that me and Ansh bhai had to suffer through. That includes Poverty, pain ,uncalled responsibilities and most importantly taunts from the mother who is supposed to protect you. I was 16 when dad died due to a heart condition .That incident brought upon a lot of changes in our life but one change that my 16 year old self could have never anticipated was the cruel transition in the behaviour of our mother .

When dad passed away, my uncle and aunt , Piyush Saxena and Vaani Saxena took over our family business. My brother was supposed to be the next CEO of Saxena industries but his fate was snatched away harshly by our very own blood .Our Uncle, Piyush Saxena took over the role of the CEO in Saxena industries along with all the inheritance and shares left by our dad for me and my siblings. At that time we were so engulfed by the grief and sorrow of loosing our dad that we didn't understand how everything was being snatched away from us. We trusted our uncle and aunt to take care of us and as a result of that trust ,seven years after my brother is working as a mere employee in the company while I didn't even get a chance to even sniff the air of the building after dad left us .All of the responsibilities fell on the shoulders of me and my brother .We had to take care of Divya and Unnati who were just 13 and 11 at that time. As a coping mechanism to deal with the pain of loosing her husband ,mom became addicted to alcohol and forgot the existence of her four children .Throughout the years I have tried to give myself multiple explanations to try and forgive her . It is safe to say that I was not successful. Her abnormal and cruel behaviour towards me was a cherry on the top.

Today is 4th May and I have been looking forward to this day more than ever. We finally have a chance at a comfortable life today. While my dad was alive he was friends with a renowned business man called Tarun Mehta. My brother informed me that he called for him specially because he wanted a word alone with the son of his late friend. I was certain that he wanted to hire my brother as he is the most intelligent and sought after business man I have ever seen but thanks to my uncle that he never got the chance to prove his abilities. At times I caught myself thinking that maybe my uncle not allowing me to work for Saxena industries was a blessing in disguise. Because of that I was able to pursue my dream of working under a publishing firm . I loved every part of my job because this was what I always aspired to do. I loved reading and writing since a young age and as someone with a traumatic childhood, succumbing to a world of imagination and fancy seemed to be the only escape .My job pays me a decent amount to take care of myself and the education of Divya and Unnati. It doesn't become a hindrance as my own necessities aren't much.

As I was drowned in this thoughts ,I heard the doorbell ringing. I knew it was Ansh bhai as he must have been done with his meeting with Mr Mehta .However, when I opened the door ,my heart sank seeing the gloomy look in his face .I instantly knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong bhai?" I asked even though I was afraid I already knew the answer.

"I wasn't able to have the meeting with Mr Mehta." He said while sitting on the sofa in our drawing room.

"But why? You stayed up all night preparing for the presentation and collecting documents." I said astonished with this information.

"Yes Anu I did but guess what ?As usual uncle decided to become the bane of my fucking existence ! He told Mr Mehta that I was a poor employee who was into drugs and alcohol because of which I missed almost every meeting and sabotaged the company. Can you believe it? I have never even touched alcohol with a ten meter foot god damnit !" He said slamming his fist on the table.

I flinched from the impact. Bhai never gets angry or violent. He is one of the most patient men I know. However hearing this piece of information even made my blood boil like never before.

" And Mr Mehta just chose to take his word for it? He didn't see it necessary to atleast talk with you once to see for himself and then decide your character? .He knows us since we were kids." I said while trying to digest what I was hearing.

" Come on Annika, in the world of business nobody is your own. After hearing this rumours ,he didn't even want to look at me let alone talk. Anyways, that isn't what I am thinking about right now. Next week is the last we have got to pay for Unnati's college fees. I was certain that I would get this job and with the advance stipend I would pay for her semester fees. Now I see no way. Uncle is still holding back my salary from last month." He dropped his face in his hands with exhaustion.

"I can pay for it .I am getting my salary after few days." I said trying to comfort him.

"That's not possible Annika. Uncle would take away half of it and with the remaining we have to buy food and medicines for mom. Don't worry I'll find a way". He gave me a smile of assurance.

I knew there was only one way. He would have to beg my uncle and work extra hours while sacrificing his health. God ! I just wanted to fall back and cry.

Whoever said that it gets better with time lied. You just become accustomed to live in pain knowing that the only person who can save you is yourself .

Hello lovelies!! I hope you liked the first chapter. Do comment and vote and say how you liked the glimpse into Annika's world. Your feedback is what keeps me going. Meet you in the next update which will be very soon.BYE!!

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