#6 Starshifter VS Teleto + Psionio

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Leon POV (AU)
"Astro!" I shouted. The blond, blue-eyed superhero peeked out of his room, asking tiredly, "What's up, Teleto?"

I was sorry for waking him up at the crack of dawn—literally. But this was important.

Ever since our world had transformed into a golden paradise, and we had gained the power to maintain our superhero form indefinitely, the nine of us just took on our alter egos as our normal appearances, and very few actually saw how we looked like normally. Plus, it was more convenient for us to get around the university.

I had also learned from Voyager to obtain control over the gateways between parallel universes. And thankfully I had, because right now, something weird was happening in one of them.

"I just felt another connection opening between our parallel universes, apart from mine! And this connection—it's radiating a negative aura. Which means someone out there holding the Kyra of Migration is misusing their powers," I explained.

Astro immediately opened his piercing eyes wide, shaking his hair out of his eyes as he grabbed my arm, telling me, "Get Voyager immediately. You guys need to find out what's going on there."

"At your service, Guardian," I teased. But I knew this was no joke. If one of the parallel universes fell into chaos, a series of terrible events would threaten our whole world.

Time for our first mission in months.

Fang POV
"You!" I shouted at the figures in front of us, one dressed in a teal-turquoise suit, his blue eyes boring into my brain, the other one wearing a set of pink with red eyes glaring at us. "You're the ones holding Rae and Fielder, aren't you?"

"Of course," The blue guy droned, rolling his eyes. "I'm Teleto."

"And I'm Psionio," the pink female said nastily, "Time for us to take your Kyras."

"Try," Vikana challenged, snapping up a humongous storm-bird who cawed, a defending sound, as it nosedived straight for the two villains.

But they were already ready, Psionio forming a powerful dome of energy around herself and Teleto dropping into a portal.

"You know," Teleto said in between teleportations, "We could just go to a parallel universe and get the Kyras for Voyager."

"That's a great idea!" Psionio snarled, conjuring three force fields around us to cage us in.

Teleto began to open a flaming orange doorway in the middle of the long stretch of ice when a crackle from the portal echoed around, and a blazing flash of red streaked through the void, just before another version of Teleto, this time with a turquoise suit and green eyes. And behind the new enemy was a very familiar one.

"Voyager!" I yelled, my anger boiling over.

"Holy crap, calm down!" Voyager put out her hands in the universal peace sign. "I'm not your enemy. I come from a different universe, and I'm here to help you."

"In that case..." I lowered my hands, letting the spheres of lightning dissolve.

"You're not going anywhere, fool," Superhero Teleto snarled, closing the orange portal that Villain Teleto had opened. Villain Teleto growled in frustration as he opened numerous portals, escaping from Suoerhero Teleto, who was busy chasing after him. Psionio watched us carefully from inside her force field, studying our every move.

"Time to get rid of her," I decided. "Creation, Lucky Charms!"

"Argh," I gasped as a whole fan dropped from the sky. I struggled to catch it, glancing around as I wondered what to do with it.

Leon POV (AU)
"Stop running," I scowled, gritting my teeth in annoyance as I tried to find away to stop the evil version of myself from teleporting everywhere.

The holder of one Kyra can always undo the work of another holder, I remembered Fang saying once. So I concentrated and pooled my energy together, channeling it to the heart of my powers.

Simultaneously, I heard a yelp and then a groan, turning around to see Teleto collapsed on the floor. He was trying to teleport but failed. I pulled his Kyra away, shouting, "One down!"

Fang POV
"You've trapped yourself," I laughed at Psionio, glaring at us from inside her protective dome.

"Fulminations!" The throbbing golden spheres in my hand pulsed as I used my power of earth to dig a hole through the ground, ending under Psionio's shield. The fan blew the Fulminations in, which paralysed Psionio. Her force fields immediately collapsed, and I pulled Fielder away from her in triumph.

"NO!" A powerful shriek came from high above just as the five of us celebrated our victory.

That voice...it was too familiar.

The voice of someone I had once trusted.

But I didn't anymore.

The voice of someone I had given a gift.

But had misused it.

The voice of the most loyal person I ever met.

But now, just a traitor.

So I turned my head and stared into the eyes of Voyager.

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