Chapter 9

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"Fine I promise to play," Theodore huffed. He figured he could just blow Luke off after the fact - kids lied all the time, right?"

"Okay the password is..." Luke said, leaning in to whisper it into Theodore's ear before pulling back.

Theodore felt his stomach twist up for a moment as he gave Luke a side eye glance. "You can't be serious?" Theodore asked, as Luke just nodded his head - not really grasping what the big deal was. Theodore was skeptical that the password was something so stupid and he was beginning to think that Luke was messing with him. Then again, Theodore didn't really know Luke well enough to even be able to tell if he was the type to pull tricks like that.

Theodore let out one last sigh. The pressure was becoming unbearable and he really had no choice.

"I need the potty please," Theodore mumbled, only to see nothing happen. He gave a scandalized look at Luke who seemed to not find anything amiss.

"You gotta say it loud or else the door won't open." Luke tittered. Theo gritted his teeth. It was either this, or having an accident - which was seconds away from becoming a reality. He repeated the password again, this time in a much louder voice, taking a look around afterwards just to make sure no one had noticed.

Miraculously, the red led light turned green as the whirring of the lock could be heard and the door opened a little - allowing Theodore to push it open with some urgency as he raced over to the toilet to relieve himself.

"I'll be back," Luke said before rushing off. It was at that moment that Theodore realized he had not shut the door. Yet he was currently trapped in front of the toilet and it seemed it was not going to be a quick stop. Every agonizing second passed as Theodore prayed no one would walk past. He then heard some footsteps before a moment later Uncle Rob walked past. His Uncle only chuckled and reminded him to close the door.

"We got ladies in the house, Teddy," Uncle Rob said before shutting the door.

Theodore finished before washing his hands and walking out of the bathroom. He didn't see Luke anywhere and decided now was the time to slip away unnoticed, however his plan was short lived as Luke appeared running into the hall with something bundled up in his arms.

"Here's the costume," Luke said, shoving the brown fluffy clothing into Theo's arms. "Although you might want to take off your clothes first - it gets kinda hot."

Theodore let the fabric unfurl to see Luke had given him a brown one piece onesie. "Um... yeah you know Luke I don't think I really want to play anymore," Theo said, holding the suit back towards Luke.

"B-but you promised," Luke said with a betrayed look coming to his face. "You lied?"

"I guess I did," Theo said, pursing his lips a little. He did feel a tiny bit guilty seeing his little cousin start to tear up.

"You promised! If you don't play I'm gonna tell!" Luke threatened. Theodore suddenly felt his stomach twist up. A sudden fear took hold again at the thought that he was going to be tattled on. What would his Mom say if Luke told her that he had lied to him? She would surely get mad at him again - she would somehow find a way to turn it around on him as she always did.

"Wait, look I'll do it," Theo said as he began to unbutton his shirt. Luke's mood seemed to do an instant 180. Theodore got his shorts off before stepping into the costume. He was having a little difficulty as he found that his hands were now trapped in some paws attached to the costume.

"What are you guys doing?" the voice of Charlie asked from behind. Theodore spun around to see his brother standing in the hallway.

"We're playing teddy bear picnic," Luke enthused. "And Teddy is going to be the teddy bear!"

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