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Home  The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today  Chapter 41

episode 41
Translator : Missme  Editor : Aru

Ash called me.

It was a quiet voice. It was low and calm.

And I couldn’t move at this time. Somehow I was stuck. As if I were caught in some kind of spell that constrains me.

Soon I could see what it was that tied me up to do nothing like this.

Ash’s eyes.

Ash was staring at me coolly with his golden eyes that had no emotion at all.

As if he was looking at the others.

Ash reached out his hand. The straight, large, hard hand brushed my cheek just like my mother’s hand did and then wrapped my neck the next moment.


Ash’s hand slowly squeezed in.

The fact that it was a dream made me feel pressure and pain, but at this moment I felt pain elsewhere.


Ash’s face drew closer. Ash whispered softly in my ear from a breathable distance.

“……Did you lie to me?”

It was a harsh voice.



I woke up screaming. I sat up in bed, tingling.

As soon as I did, I reached my throat unknowingly.

Light leaked through the curtains.

The room was not dark, but bright.

I stared blankly around and soon fumbled for the hand mirror. Then I glanced at my neck with it.

Of course, there was no handprint.


A sigh broke out like a suppressed breath.

I put the mirror down. My hands trembled.

I had a nightmare.

It’s a very vivid nightmare.

‘Why did you lie to me?’

I remembered a voice that had been spreading coldly in my ears. My shoulders crouched at once.

I wanted to say no.

No, it’s not. I tried to answer that I didn’t mean to deceive you.

But I couldn’t speak because I was strangled. I wanted to speak out, but I couldn’t do that and just mumbled in pain.

Then, at one point, my consciousness became distant, as if submerged underwater, and I woke up from a dream like that.

I sat at the edge of the bed like that, sitting motionless as if I had been rooted on the bed.

Soon I covered my face.

‘What is this?’

It was unbelievable.

‘What kind of dream is this……’

The dream was so vivid, wondering if it should have been. My parents were my parents, but Ash’s dream after that was so real that it was creepy.

A low-pitched voice, a feeling of strangling.

Even the way he looked at me in a cold gaze without warmth.

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