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The day of Sara's wedding dawned with a flurry of activity, as relatives bustled about, putting the finishing touches on the decorations and ensuring that everything was perfect for the auspicious occasion. Amidst the chaos, Aayesha and Mishka found themselves overseeing the final preparations, their hearts filled with excitement and anticipation for their friend's special day.

As they inspected the intricate decorations adorning the wedding venue, Aayesha and Mishka couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and attention to detail that had gone into creating the magical atmosphere. But amidst the hustle and bustle, they couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.

Their suspicions were confirmed when they stumbled upon Varun and Adhyay, sound asleep in a secluded corner of the venue. Aayesha's frustration boiled over as she watched them slumbering peacefully, oblivious to the chaos unfolding around them.

"Yeh dono bhi na, koi kaam nahi hai inka," Aayesha muttered under her breath, her irritation mounting with each passing moment.

Mishka sighed in exasperation, shaking her head at the sight before them. "Kya karein, Aayesha? Inhe uthana padega," she replied, her tone resigned yet determined.

With a shared glance, Aayesha and Mishka set out to wake Varun and Adhyay, determined to rouse them from their deep slumber. But little did they know, their task would prove to be far more challenging than they had anticipated.

As they approached the sleeping duo, Aayesha's frustration reached a boiling point. Without a second thought, she grabbed a nearby jug of water and splashed it onto Varun's face, causing him to sputter and jolt awake in surprise.

Varun's eyes flew open, wide with shock as he blinked away the remnants of sleep. "Kya kar rahe ho, Aayesha?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Aayesha's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at her impulsive action, but she refused to back down. "Tum dono yahaan kyu so rahe ho? Sara ki shaadi hai, kaam hai," she retorted, her tone firm yet exasperated.

Varun's mother, who had been observing the scene from a distance, intervened with a chuckle. "Aayesha, Mishka, inhe uthao aur neeche lao," she instructed, a hint of amusement in her voice.

With a sheepish grin, Aayesha and Mishka set about rousing Varun and Adhyay, their earlier frustration giving way to laughter as they struggled to coax the sleepy duo awake.

But as they made their way downstairs, disaster struck in the form of Aayesha's foot twisting on a loose tile. She stumbled forward, her heart racing as she braced herself for the inevitable fall.

But before she could hit the ground, Varun sprang into action, catching her in his arms with lightning-fast reflexes. Their eyes locked in a fleeting moment of vulnerability, the world around them fading into the background as they stood locked in a silent embrace.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Aayesha and Varun gazed into each other's eyes, their breaths mingling in the air between them. But as the sounds of the bustling wedding preparations reached their ears, they were jolted back to reality, the momentary intimacy shattered by the chaos unfolding around them.

With a shaky laugh, Aayesha pulled away from Varun's embrace, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Thanks," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

And as they made their way back to the wedding venue, a newfound sense of camaraderie blossomed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between them amidst the chaos of Sara's wedding day.

The farmhouse buzzed with activity as the wedding preparations reached a fever pitch. Relatives from near and far had gathered to celebrate Sara's special day, adding to the lively atmosphere that filled the air.

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