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Aayesha was counting down the days until her vacation started. She had been longing to go back home and spend time with her family, especially since her sister's wedding was just around the corner. Aayesha's sister, Sara, had been busy with wedding preparations for months, and Aayesha couldn't wait to be a part of the celebrations.

As soon as the final exams were over, Aayesha packed her bags and boarded the bus back to her hometown. The journey was long, but Aayesha didn't mind. She was filled with excitement thinking about all the fun she would have during her vacation.

When Aayesha arrived at her family home, she was greeted by her parents with warm hugs and smiles. They were thrilled to have her back, and Aayesha was overjoyed to be back in the comfort of her childhood home. The house was buzzing with wedding preparations, and Aayesha couldn't wait to jump in and help out.

A few days after Aayesha's arrival, Sara asked her if she could do her a favor. Sara wanted Aayesha to invite her best friend, Mishka, to come over for the wedding. Mishka was like a sister to both Aayesha and Sara, and they couldn't imagine the wedding without her.

Aayesha wasted no time in calling Mishka and inviting her over. Mishka was thrilled at the invitation and immediately started making plans to travel to Aayesha's hometown. She couldn't wait to be a part of the wedding celebrations and spend time with her dear friends.

When Mishka arrived, the house was filled with laughter and joy. Aayesha, Sara, and Mishka spent hours reminiscing about their childhood adventures and catching up on each other's lives. Mishka jumped in to help with the wedding preparations, and the three friends had a blast decorating the house and putting together the final details for the big day.

《《《《《《《《《《ROKA CEREMONY》》》》》》》》》

Aayesha and her family were on their way to Sara's in-laws house for the roka ceremony. Sara, Aayesha's cousin sister, was getting married and the whole family was excited to be a part of her big day.

As they entered the house, Aayesha and her sister Mishka were taken aback by what they saw. Standing in the living room were none other than Varun and Adhyay, their housemates and close friends.

Aayesha and Mishka exchanged surprised looks before quickly composing themselves. They had never expected to see Varun and Adhyay in Sara's in-laws house, let alone at a family event like this.

Without a second thought, Aayesha approached Varun, her voice trembling with suppressed emotions. "What are you doing here?" she demanded, her eyes blazing with intensity.

Varun's jaw tensed as he met Aayesha's gaze, his own eyes reflecting a mixture of defiance and hurt. "I could ask you the same thing," he retorted, his voice laced with bitterness.

The tension between them crackled in the air, drawing the attention of all the relatives gathered around. Whispers filled the room as they watched the exchange unfold, unable to tear their eyes away from the spectacle before them.

Mishka, sensing the escalating tension, stepped forward, her voice firm yet pleading. "Please, not here," she implored, her eyes darting between Aayesha and Varun. "This isn't the time or the place."

But the words fell on deaf ears as Aayesha and Varun continued to lock horns, their voices rising with each passing moment. Years of unresolved issues bubbled to the surface, fueling their heated exchange.

As their argument reached a fever pitch, Aayesha felt a pang of regret wash over her. This was supposed to be a joyous occasion, a celebration of love and unity. But instead, their presence had cast a shadow over the festivities, threatening to unravel the fragile peace that had been carefully cultivated.

With a heavy heart, Aayesha finally relented, her resolve crumbling beneath the weight of her emotions. "Fine," she conceded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let's not ruin this for Sara."

Varun's expression softened slightly as he regarded Aayesha, a flicker of remorse crossing his features. "Agreed," he replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "For Sara."

And with that, the tension between them dissipated, leaving behind an uneasy truce. But as Aayesha turned away, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unfinished business lingering in the air. The echoes of their past still reverberated within her, a constant reminder of the unspoken tensions that lay between them.

Despite the unexpected tension, the roka ceremony continued with grace and joy. Sara and her fiancé exchanged rings amidst the blessings and well wishes of their loved ones. A sense of warmth filled the room as laughter and chatter replaced the earlier discord.

Aayesha and Mishka put aside their differences with Varun and Adhyay, choosing to focus on celebrating Sara's happiness. They joined in the festivities, immersing themselves in the joyous atmosphere and cherishing the moments of togetherness with friends and family.

As the evening drew to a close, Aayesha couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. Despite the initial tension, the roka ceremony had ended successfully, marking the beginning of a new chapter in Sara's life.

As they bid farewell to Sara and her family, Aayesha exchanged a meaningful glance with Mishka, silently acknowledging the challenges they had overcome together. Despite the unexpected twists and turns, they had emerged stronger, their bond unbreakable.

As they made their way back home, Aayesha couldn't help but reflect on the events of the evening. Life was full of surprises, both bitter and sweet. But in the end, it was the moments of love and laughter that mattered the most, the echoes of which would linger in their hearts forever.


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Will see you in next chapter.
Byeeee byeeeee.

For spoilers and other updates follow me on instagram @ fictionalflare42.

Byeee munchkins💕✨️

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